Reasoning about Loops, Conclusion
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Outline Reasoning about loops (conclusion) Dafny basics Specifications (next time) Spring 18 CSCI 2600, K. Kuzmin, A Milanova
So Far We discussed reasoning about code Hoare Logic Forward reasoning and backward reasoning Hoare Logic Hoare Triples Rule for backward reasoning Assignment Sequence If-then-else Method call Reasoning about loops Spring 17 CSCI 2600, A Milanova
Reasoning About Loops Partial correctness Termination total correctness=partial correctness+termination Partial correctness “Guess”, then prove loop invariant Loop invariant and loop exit condition must imply the postcondition This gives us: “If the loop terminated then the postcondtion did hold”. But does the loop terminate? Termination “Guess” decrementing function D. (1) D >= 0, (2) strictly decreases, (3) D at 0 along with the loop invariant must imply loop exit condition
Let’s Catch the Bug Precondition: len ≥ 1 && a.length = len int sum = a[0]; int i = 1; while (i <= len) invariant sum = a[0]+…+a[i-1] && i<=len+1 { sum = sum + a[i]; i = i+1; } Postcondition: sum = a[0]+…+a[a.length-1] After a bit of observation, we’ll settle on the above loop invariant. Step 1. Invariant holds before the loop. Step 2. If Inv holds after kth iteration, it holds after k+1st iteration as well. Step 3. i > len AND i <= len+1 => i = len+1. Thus, Spring 18 CSCI 2600, K. Kuzmin, A Milanova
“Interesting” Invariant Another Factorial Precondition: t >= 0 r = 1; n = t; while (n != 0) { r = r*n; n = n-1; } Postcondition: r = t! r = t!/n! Spring 18 CSCI 2600, K. Kuzmin, A Milanova (example due to Michael Ernst, UW)
Interesting Invariant Integer Division Precondition: x >= 0 && y > 0 r = x; q = 0; while (y <= r) { r = r-y; q = q+1; } Postcondition: x = y*q + r && r < y Spring 18 CSCI 2600, K. Kuzmin, A Milanova (example due to Michael Ernst, UW)
Interesting Invariant Precondition: a > 0 && b > 0 y1 = a; y2 = b; while (y1 != y2) invariant gcd(y1,y2) = gcd(a,b) { if (y1 > y2) { y1 = y1-y2 } else { y2 = y2-y1; } Postcondition: y1 = gcd(a,b) gcd(y1,y2) = gcd(y1-y2,y2)
Dafny Dafny: programming language and verifier Author: K. Rustan M. Leino, Microsoft Research Programmer writes programs with specifications Verifier proves that program obeys specification Binary downloads at Try online at Fall 17 CSCI 2600, A Milanova
Dafny Basics The smallest unit of verification is the method method Foo(x: int, y: int) returns (z: int, w: int) Preconditions requires x == 0 && y >= 0 Postconditions ensures z != 0 || w != 0 Fall 17 CSCI 2600, A Milanova
Our Earlier Exercise, in Dafny // precondition: ?? y = x + 4 if (x > 0) { y = x*x – 1; } else { y = y+x; } { y = 0 } x = x/y; Find what input causes divide-by-zero at the last statement. Answer: Precondition: x=1 || x=-2 These are the inputs that cause divide-by-zero error
Our Division Example in Dafny method DivisionByZero(x: int) returns (y: int) requires x == 1 || x == -2 ensures y == 0 { y := x + 4; if (x > 0) { y := x*x - 1; } else { y := y + x; } Named returns, can have multiple output variables! Equality test: ==, NOT = Assignment: :=, NOT =