Happy day before break According to Freud, information that you are not currently aware of that can be easily recalled into awareness resides in which part of the mind? A) preconscious B) conscious C) unconscious D) subconscious
Storybook Creation Finish your storybook from yesterday before we go to lunch! Remember to introduce your “situation” ID, Superego, Ego 4 Defense Mechanisms
Welcome back! What was your favorite moment over spring break? REVIEW: Use 3 words to describe each.. ID, EGO, SUPEREGO Which psychologist is associated with these?
CARL JUNG ALFRED ADLER Driving force -> overcome feeling of inferiority Inferiority complex- avoiding feelings of inadequacy More positive view of human nature Believed people try to handle their instincts while developing their potential
Focused on SELF-ACTUALIZATION Humanistic Emphasizes personal growth and achievement of maximum potential by each individual Focused on SELF-ACTUALIZATION Our man Maslow!
Maslow’s study Worked with people who could not cope with everyday frustrations, as well as those who coped effectively and created exceptional lives to find what traits self-actualized individuals share…
Self-Actualized individuals 1- Perceive reality accurately 2- Accept themselves, others, and their environment 3- More problem-centered than self-centered 4- Are spontaneous and autonomous 5- Appreciate even the smallest things
CARL ROGERS People struggle with what they value in themselves and what others value in them Page 395-396 (Second to last paragraph) POPCORN READ Self- Positive regard- Conditions of worth- Unconditional positive regard- Fully functioning-
Your assignment There have been self-actualized individuals throughout the years who have led exceptional lives. Your job is to choose one to focus on. Think of historical figures, athletes, SOME celebrities. Use the computer for research, then access the facebook template from my website Follow the given directions for each section of your person’s “facebook” Make sure you are making the connections to the self-actualized traits we discussed. 393
Read pages 400-403, discussing traits 1. What is a trait? 2. Describe the 3 types of traits which Gordon Allport identified. 3. What would be your cardinal trait? Central? Secondary? 4. What is the difference between surface and source traits? 5. What is the difference between extraverts and introverts? Which would you identify with? Why? 6. What are the “Robust Five”? 7. What are the two-dimensions of Sullivan’s ideas? Do you believe all behaviors stem from these two? If not, which two would you choose?
Exit Ticket What would be each characters Cardinal traits? (2 for each)