Purposeful Play By: Sarah Gould-Houde, M.S.Ed. NYSED 3 Year Old Public Preschool Summer Institute July 18, 2017 Syracuse, NY By: Sarah Gould-Houde, M.S.Ed. QUALITY Improvement Specialist QUALITYstarsNY NYS T-TAP Credentialed sgouldhoude@qualitystarsny.org
Goals and Objectives Participants will: Examine the learning that occurs during self-directed, purposeful and supported play. Participants will be able to use at least three strategies to support children’s self-directed play. Analyze Bloom’s Taxonomy as it relates to working with preschoolers. Participants will be able to develop at least two ways to incorporate higher level learning and critical thinking using Bloom’s question stems. As aligned with the NYS Core Body of Knowledge, 1.8: a, b, c, d, & g and the NYS Child Day Care Regulations: 418-1.7: a & c.
Agenda 10:45 Introduction to training content and over view of goals and objectives 10:50 Executive functions of the brain 11:05 Ways to play, what happens during play 11:15 P.L.A.Y. 11:25 Purposeful P.L.A.Y. 11:35 P.L.A.Y. Lead by child 11:40 Adult supported P.L.A.Y. 11:50 P.L.A.Y. Yields Learning 12:00 Finish
Executive Functions of the Brain Working memory: the ability to hold information in mind and use it Inhibitory control: the ability to master thoughts and impulses so as to resist temptations, distractions, and habits, and to pause and think before acting Cognitive flexibility: the capacity to switch gears and adjust to changing demands, priorities, or perspectives www.developingchild.harvard.edu How can play be considered academics? Executive functions: Working memory, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility Adults tend to be less aware of the importance of helping children gain the essential skills that are so necessary for children to acquire a lifetime of learning WATCH MITM VIDEO #13
https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/529-baby-brain-map Prefrontal Cortex Debrief video When doing hand clapping game…works on inhibitory control and is fun!! (use of active inhibition)
A Variety of Ways to Play Dramatic Manipulative Physical Creative Sensory Constructive Point out that constructive play comes from the ability to build something that has been created in your mind!!!! AMAZING As an adult, what do you do to play? https://prezi.com/rgjtbmchzaop/making-the-most-of-block-play/
Building Purposeful Play in the Classroom Highlight the need for a solid and trusting relationship between teacher and students for learning to really take place
P U R O S E F L Refer to ELGs Discuss what is on hand out Examine picture using these principals: reflect on own for one minute and then either table or turn and talk, report out to the large group https://crozetplayschool.wordpress.com/category/block-play/
L E A D B Y C H I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZIGLSqzptE How would you support this child’s activity and interests? How could you enrich this play? What vocabulary could you introduce? What if you started a fireman or fire truck study? Project Approach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZIGLSqzptE
A D U L T S P O R E Video clip, 1 minute, preschooler playing dice How did this teacher support this child in play? What was this child learning? What developmental areas were being addressed?
Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Refer to handout
Y I E L D S A R N G What juicy/Bloom’s/open ended questions would you ask these children? How would you follow up with their play? Changes to the environment? Small groups? Individual play? Etc… http://webs.wichita.edu/?u=childdev&p=/educational_spaces/
Building Purposeful Play in the Classroom Highlight the need for a solid and trusting relationship between teacher and students for learning to really take place
Any questions? Thank you Sarah Gould-Houde, M.S.Ed. QUALITY Improvement Specialist QUALITYstarsNY sgouldhoude@qualitystarsny.org
References Davidson, Kay & Decker, Tressa (2006). Bloom’s and Beyond: Higher Level Questions and Activities for the Creative Classroom. MI: McNaughton & Gunn, Inc. Galinsky, Ellen (2010). Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs. NY: Harper Collins. Harms, Thelma, et.al. (2005). Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition. NY: Teachers College Press. Mind in the Making: Experiments in Children’s Learning DVD (2011). Families and Work Institute and New Screen Concepts. Nilson, Barbara Ann (2011). From: The Engaged Learner Café, NYSAEYC Conference. www.developingchild.harvard.edu