CTE is for Everyone Jonathan Howard
Who, What, Why Audience Awareness Resources Communication Tools OVERVIEW Who, What, Why Audience Awareness Resources Communication Tools Conclusions, Q&A
Thoughts/Questions – What Goals – Why Who, What, Why Introductions – Who Thoughts/Questions – What Goals – Why Question: What do people need to know about your CTE program to make the decision to enroll?
Who is the best person to communicate to each of the groups? Audience Awareness Who is your audience? Students, parents, other educators? Counselors? District Leaders? Industry? Who is the best person to communicate to each of the groups? How can you provide a continuous source of information? What traditions or annual events can help in delivering information about your program?
ACTE Fact Sheets ACTE Sector Sheets ACTE Issue Briefs ACTE MicroDocs Resources ACTE Fact Sheets ACTE Sector Sheets ACTE Issue Briefs ACTE MicroDocs
Career Clusters, Pathways and Plans of Study OTHER Resources ESSA Fact Sheets Career Clusters, Pathways and Plans of Study CAMA Workforce Programs Finder CO Advanced Manufacturing
Meetings, events, fairs, community events Communication Tools Websites Social Media Flyers Handbills Meetings, events, fairs, community events
Conclusion Discussion time!