Pervasive Pixels Network Services Angelos Keromytis Jason Nieh Henning Schulzrinne Dept. of Computer Science Columbia University
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit Overview Enabling interactive communications mobility user creation of services event notification interaction with legacy telephone system Access control and privacy System monitoring and management Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels integrates... Chime for cooperation on a spatial communications metaphor CINEMA for unified synchronous & asynchronous communications interoperation with telephone system Virtual Display System Architecture for application sharing KX for system monitoring Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit Mobility today: terminal mobility = same terminal, different networks Pervasive Pixels: personal mobility = same person, different terminals (seq. & parallel), different sessions session mobility = move on-going sessions between terminals e.g., mobile PDA and public display Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
User creation of services control reachability: how, by whom, when, where, what format classical telecom: carrier provides small menu of services CINEMA: user-created services cgi (web-like scripting) CPL (XML rule set) Java servlets active (application-layer) networks – filters installed remotely Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit Event notification Fundamental abstraction but only approximated in Internet today: email – asynchronous delivery web – “pull’’ (poll) only presence – people events only In Pervasive Pixels, pursuing several models: Siena-based content filtering SIP-based inter-domain notification working on IETF standardization (SIMPLE) Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Interaction with legacy telephone system Need to be able to interwork with cell & landline phones combinations of PSTN and Internet connectivity, e.g., video, collaboration, status via laptop (Internet), audio via phone Will use departmental PBX + gateway Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
CINEMA – Columbia Internet Extensible Multimedia Architecture CINEMA = set of servers and services that support Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Internet standard co-developed by PI services: audio/video conferencing unified messaging conference recording VoiceXML voice control interface for interaction via phone protocol conversion H.232 - SIP Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit CINEMA components Cisco 7960 MySQL user database sipconf rtspd LDAP server plug'n'sip conferencing RTSP server media (MCU) server wireless sipd 802.11b RTSP proxy/redirect server unified messaging Pingtel server Nortel Cisco sipum Meridian 2600 VoiceXML PBX T1 server T1 SIP sipvxml PhoneJack interface sipc SIP-H.323 converter sip-h323 Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Virtual display system architecture serve applications across a network X11, Citrix, SunRay: static cross-platform, application-independent adaptive applications bandwidth availability end-system compute power proxy services integration with conferencing Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
System monitoring and management Kinesthetics eXtreme (KX) monitor interplay of Pervasive Pixel components using Siena event notification systems Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit Security Mechanisms: Security of communications: standard security protocols (SSL, IPsec) Security of stored data: NFS over IPsec, DisCFS Privacy (presence, other information) Physical access control: swipe card readers, proximity badges Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Security – authentication multiple authentication and identification mechanism: swipe card fingerprint i-button ring IR/RF badge radio location Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit Security With mechanisms in place, we need policies to control them Ease of configuration Flexibility Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit Trust management (TM) Application-independent mechanism for specifying and evaluating application-specific policies Policies can be expressed in terms of credentials (certificates with additional information) KeyNote is an instance of a TM system Efficient policy compliance checking Delegation inherent in the system -> decentralized management Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit Sample KeyNote Policy Authorizer: "POLICY" Licensees: Henning (public key) Conditions: app_domain == "web access control" && date >= "20020101" && date <= "20021231" && web_server == "" && url ~= "^/people/hgs/.*" && (encryption_algorithm == "3DES" || encryption_algorithm == "AES") -> "permit"; Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Sample KeyNote credential Authorizer: Henning (public key) Licensees: Kathy (public key) Conditions: app_domain == "web access control" && date >= 20020311" && date <= 20020311" && web_server == "" && url = "/people/hgs/for_kathy.html" -> "permit"; Signature: Signer by Henning's public key Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
Access control with KeyNote Embedded in IPsec (IKE), SSL (module for Apache) part of the DARPA-funded STRONGMAN project work in progress on DisCFS fine-grained access control on remote files using credentials Used for server-based or P2P file sharing Extensible to other applications/protocols (e.g., interacting users in virtual worlds, privacy considerations) Abstraction layer on top of KeyNote to make configuration easier for end-users Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018
On-going work in security Integration between KeyNote and CPL Token- and biometrics-based credentials i-button fingerprint recognition voice recognition IR+RF badges Pervasive Pixels - NSF site visit 11/28/2018