Service Learning in the On-Line Environment James Keck
L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs Master Program in Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness On-Line hybrid, Service Learning, Masters Course
Service Learning The Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Laws require the 145 localities in the Commonwealth to review and update their locality Emergency Operations Plan every four years. The majority of localities in the Commonwealth are small entities that lack the personnel and financial resources to accomplish this work.
Service Learning Real world experience with local Govts to review & rewrite, expand, assure compliance with standards for plans. Expanded to Universities & Hospitals
Service Learning Team Project Agreement with sponsor developed from template signed Each student reports weekly reflections Meetings, contacts, telephone calls; Team & individual accomplishments; Plans for the next period; Team participation.
Service Learning Team Project Final student report – Peer grading Percent each team member contributed; Met, exceeded, or did not meet expectation. Reflect on learning from project. Final Exam: Team presents complete documents PowerPoint Accomplishments, findings and recommendations to the locality.
Service Learning Meet with teams throughout project In-person Blackboard Collaborate Skype Oovoo Google Hang out Telephone Teams meet together using
Interactions & Engagement Students may be anywhere in the US s Announcements Blackboard Collaborate Telephone calls Discussion Forums Assignments Final presentations SlideShare: