URANUS’ REIGN The world was created by Gaea (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Heavens) who came from Chaos. They had 12 Titans which were giant and beautiful. They also had 3 Cyclops which were giants with one eye. Lastly, they had 3 Hecatoncheires which were ugly giants with 100 arms and 50 heads. Uranus hated the Cyclops and Hecatoncheires, so he pushed them back into Gaea’s womb/hid them in a cave. Gaea asked her remaining children, the Titans, to help her. Only Cronus, the last-born agreed to help. He attacked Uranus and chopped him into pieces. The furies, nymphs and giants were created from Uranus’s falling blood. Cronus threw a piece of Uranus’s flesh into the ocean, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love was created.
CRONUS’ REIGN Cronus became ruler. He married Rhea. They had 3 sons: Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. They also had 3 daughters: Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. Cronus ate his first five children because he feared one of them would overthrow him When Rhea gave birth to her 6th child, Zeus, she hid the baby and gave Cronus a stone to swallow instead. The deception worked.
ZEUS’ REIGN When Zeus grew up, he overthrew Cronus, who then vomited Zeus’s siblings. Zeus then divided the world with his brothers & sisters.
ANYWAY, BACK TO THE GODS… The gods were immortal (meaning they did not die) and anthropomorphic (meaning they looked and behaved like humans). The gods lived on Mt. Olympus where they ate ambrosia / drank nectar. Their #1 interest was human affairs. They had the power to control nature, change forms, and manipulate the minds of men (through dreams, priests, soothsayers). The gods had only two limits: decrees of fate and gods / goddess with more power or authority.
ANCIENT GREEK WORLD VIEW Ancient Greeks were polytheistic, meaning they believed in many gods. They believed that the world was: flat and circular, covered by a bronze or iron dome, and surrounded by a circular river called Okeanos. Hades, which is the location of the Greek afterlife, was located under the Earth’s surface.