Sumerian Achievements
Cuneiform World’s first writing system Written on clay tablets everyone understands Written way to communicate Written on clay tablets Wedge-shaped writing Written with stylus
Epics Long poems that tell the story of heroes Epic of Gilgamesh Most famous and complete Sumerian Epic Tells the story of King Gilgamesh and his many adventures
Sumerian Wheel Originally invented to be a potter’s wheel Used to make pottery much easier Became useful in carts and wagons Eventually used on chariots for war
Bronze Plow Originally plows were wooden Bronze Plow allowed much faster and easier field preparation for farming Could be hooked to animals to be pulled Today plows are hooked to tractors
12 Month Calendar Sumerian Calendar was created to keep up with planting and harvesting times Had 354 Days Based on the cycles of the moon Much like many ancient calendars
Math Math system was based on the number 60 Calculated circle as 360 degrees 60 minute hour 60 second minute Division and Multiplication System
Bronze Mixture of Copper and Tin Stronger and longer lasting than either metal by itself Used to make tools, weapons, and jewelry
Sailboat Used to travel on rivers and beyond Had square sails Sails could not be turned, so if wind was not blowing the direction they wanted to go, they had to paddle
Maps Created maps with city-state usually in the middle of the map Representing the middle of the earth Only mapped what they knew was nearby
Architecture Science of building buildings Used mud-bricks in Sumer and throughout Mesopotamia Ziggurats Huge temples to honor the gods
Time Keeping Sundial Water Clock Used the position of the sun to keep time Water Clock Kept track of how much time has passed Similar to an hourglass but uses water instead of sand