Control theory and homeostasis ZRT1 ZRT@ ZAP1 Control theory and homeostasis Control theory That branch of mathematics and engineering which deals with the design, identification and analysis of systems with a view towards controlling them, i.e., to make them perform specific tasks or to behave in a desired way Homeostasis The ability and tendency of certain systems to maintain a relatively constant internal state in spite of changes in external conditions
Human designed control systems
Human designed control systems Cornelis Drebbel 1620
satellite attitude control Human designed control systems satellite attitude control
block diagram of a basic feedback control disturbance control signal reference + controller actuator process input filter output _ sensor block diagram of a basic feedback control
Calcium homeostasis
increase concentration -> decreased tumbling frequency Bacterial chemotaxis Run CCW Tumble CW Increasing Chemical Gradient 10µm biased random walk: increase concentration -> decreased tumbling frequency
perfect adaptation of tumbling frequency Tethering Analysis Agonist changes rotational bias Kirby et al (JBC, 1999)
intracellular nutrient homeostasis Zn ZRT2 ZRT1 Zn ZAP1 ZRT1 ZAP1 a simplified model for Zinc homeostasis
Searching Pubmed “homeostasis” 126408 hits “control theory” 432 “homeostasis” AND “control theory” 27