TBM Mockup testing at SNL


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Presentation transcript:

TBM Mockup testing at SNL ITER-TBM Planning and Costing Meeting Dec 12-14, 2005, UCLA Presented by Tina J. Tanaka

Task List Integrated test of FW with He cooling Overpressure test Upgrade He loop to get more pressure, higher temperatures, and greater flow. Procure ½ scale test articles Perform test with E-beam and He cooling for DCLL Overpressure test Note that Neil Morley suggested that we add a PbLi flow test--an item for discussion A full size mockup should be made by the Vendor who is makes the final item 12/12/05 slide 2

Costing Exercise Major costs will be in upgrading the helium loop to new pressure and temperature requirements (~$2.66M, but this estimate may be low). We really need a full design and then make a cost estimate. Full design can be made by Creare for $10K. This company designed our first He loop Comparisons with KFK He loop show that we may be somewhat low on the costs, but we have not done a full design. We have requested help on He estimation from Clement as he has a contractor working on this. 12/12/05 slide 3

Questions and Unknowns Funding Our work has been on hold for over a month because of the budget To get an estimate for upgrading our He loop, we may need to contract this out. Thus we do not have a good estimate for this at this time. We should collaborate with the Europeans at Karlsruhe Germany to test the first wall with He cooling. Do we need full size PbLi test? 12/12/05 slide 4