Exploring the Nature of Teaching and Learning Chapter Four Exploring the Nature of Teaching and Learning 4 | 1
Language of Teaching Pedagogy: Art and science of teaching –your personal teaching philosophy Beliefs, knowledge, orientation Subtext that informs your teaching Instruction: The act of teaching Learning theory: How learning happens and conditions that favor its occurrence 4 | 2
Characteristics of Behaviorism Learning is a response to reinforcements (“stimuli”) from outer environment All behavior is learned in steps Operant conditioning: Behavior learned because of its consequences (reward or punishment) A.k.a. “shaping” or “behavior modification” Theorist: B.F. Skinner 4 | 3
Behaviorism in the Classroom- what it looks like Teacher strictly controls environment Focus on observable behaviors Lesson based on clear objectives Reinforce each step toward goal Favor positive reinforcements (rewards) Criticisms: Students less engaged Too much bribery, too much control Students learn facts, not concepts 4 | 4
Bloom’s Taxonomy Six major classes of learning behaviors (1956) Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation Revised….1990s Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating 4 | 5
Cognitive Learning Theory Focus on thought processes that accompany learning Learning via student’s creation of knowledge Stages of cognitive development (Jean Piaget): Intellectual growth occurs in stages marked by different thinking abilities- ALL ages are approximate Sensorimotor stage (18 months-2 yrs. old): Learning via sensory impressions, movement Preoperational stage (2-7 yrs. old): Learn words, symbols Concrete operational stage (7-11 yrs. old): Generalize concepts from concrete experiences Formal operational stage (11+ yrs. old): Think in abstractions 4 | 6
Cognitive Learning in the Classroom Piaget: Match type of learning to stage of cognitive development Jerome Bruner: Let students discover ideas on their own (“discovery learning”) Criticisms: Children can be in several stages at once Stages cannot easily be linked to certain ages Didn’t account for learner’s social contexts 4 | 7
Social Cognitive Theory Learning is interaction between learner’s mental processes & social environment Context influences the ideas we develop Theorist: Lev Vygotsky Social cognitive learning in the classroom: Teacher models behavior, students observe Students solve problems in groups 4 |
Constructivism Several related theories: Real learning = making information your own Knowledge is built by learners through real-world experience New ideas integrated with prior knowledge Learning occurs incrementally and via leaps We understand life using personal mental schemes (framework for ideas) Theorists: John Dewey, Carl Rogers 4 | 9
Mental Schemes & Learning A learner tries to fit new info into existing mental scheme 4 | 10
Constructivism in the Classroom Based on students’ existing ideas, knowledge, skills, attitudes (foundation) Lesson builds on foundation, then challenges it to make students rethink their schemes To correct wrong ideas, present contradictory information so student must wrestle with the concept and come to understand the accurate idea Students need multiple opportunities to learn concepts 4 | 11
See It for Yourself Watch the TeachSource Video Case, “Constructivist Teaching in Action: A High School Classroom Debate” How are the students taking charge of their own learning? 4 | 12 |
Curriculum A course of study describing what to teach, and how… Typically organized by content area for each grade level Official plan = Formal curriculum Established by state Informal curriculum: Spontaneous learning experiences that link academic concept to students’ daily lives Hidden curriculum: Consists of the social rules and values schools and teachers transmit to students 4 | 13
Standards & Curricula How are most curricula developed? Many states build on national content area standards School (or district) curricula based on state curricula NCLB has reduced local control, innovation Pressure to adopt uniform state curricula “that work” Teachers rush to “cover the curriculum” If it’s not on the test, it may not be taught 4 | 14 |
A Window and Mirror Ideally, curriculum is both a: Window into new ideas, worlds Mirror of students’ realities Interests, concerns, beliefs Talents and challenges Family and social networks Activities (hobbies, jobs, household duties) A curriculum that’s relevant will seem meaningful and motivate learning 4 | 15
Authentic Assessment Student performs meaningful real-world task to show understanding A.k.a. “performance assessment” Common evaluative tools used with this approach: Checklists, rubrics Rubric: Scoring guide including criteria for judging quality of student work & rating scale Free online rubric tool 4 | 16
Rubric for Assessing a Class Debate 4 | 17
Assessment in Action Watch the TeachSource Video Case, “Performance Assessment: Student Presentations in a High School English Class” How did the teacher include the students in deciding how to assess this activity? 4 | 18 |
Traditional Assessment Multiple-choice tests usually measure student recall, not understanding Criticisms of NCLB standardized tests: At best, offers partial snapshot of what students know At worst, provides unreliable data because of mismatch with local curricula (test given before material is taught for example) 4 | 19 |
Tips for New Teachers To incorporate what you’ve learned about teaching into your approach: Be comfortable with yourself Let students express their ideas often Ask where their ideas come from Connect subject to their lives Learn material for yourself (prepare!) Let students explore material on their own 4 | 20
Conclusion Don’t feel tied to one educational philosophy, theory, or teaching method Use multiple approaches, adapt your approach and pedagogy to the needs of the students. Big question: Who are my students and how can I best teach them? Understand their lives & existing prior knowledge Ask them what they know! 4 | 21