Electric Energy Notes
Electric Energy (Electricity) A form of energy that is produced when electrons move from one place to another.
Electric Circuit A complete path of conductors that electrons flow through
Open Circuit Circuit that is not connected in some area, so electrons do not flow through. Electricity is off.
Open Circuit
Closed Circuit Complete circuit that allows electrons to flow through completely. Electricity is on.
Closed Circuit
2 types of Circuits SERIES PARALLEL One path- a break will stop the whole current More than 1 path- a break MAY NOT stop all the current.
Electric Current The constant flow of electrons through a conductor Flows negative (-) to postitive (+)
Electric Conductor A material that allows electricity to pass through easily.
Electric Insulator A material that does not allow electricity to pass through easily
Resistor A device in a circuit that slows the electric current but does not stop it.
Electromagnet A temporary magnet formed by passing an electric current through a wire coiled around an iron core
4 components of a circuit: A. Source (battery) B. Conductor (wire) C. Device (lightbulb) D. Switch (off/on)