English 1 Monday, August 6
Agenda Letter to Students Write your letter Growth Mindset Quiz and videos Evaluate results
Important Stuff Please, silence your phone. Put it in your backpack. Write your first and last name in your planner, please. If you brought your textbook AND you have a Sharpie, get that out now and label your book. Put it on the correct shelf. You may borrow a Sharpie from front table if needed. Get a blue or black pen from your backpack and binder paper, please. Put backpack on the back counter to the right of blue line.
BTW: Did you know that the recycling boxes help others on campus? The “recycling boxes” (at least the ones made of cardboard) were all decorated by students in our Life Skills program here at HHS; there should be a recycling box in every classroom. The recycling program supports the weekly outings and activities that the Life Skills students partake in.
Compass Points Based in the following statements, choose where on the compass you belong. Go there now, please.
Why is a post-it note on my desk? Turn your sticky note so that it is vertical, like this: This is wrong: Write your first* and last name on the sticky note on your desk. *Preferred name, not government name. Put your class period number at the bottom. Leave this in the top corner of your desk.
What I wish my students knew… Please do not write on the copy of the letter you have. What stood out to you in the letter? Why did I share this with you?
What I wish my teacher knew… I expect you to write in blue or black pen, legibly. Use notebook paper, not spiral or bound book. Proper heading. Title. Paragraph format. Answer the following questions in thoughtful, detailed manner. Extend your answer if needed to ensure my understanding. Only I, your teacher, will read this. Write until I tell you to stop.
Possibilities…. What should I , as your teacher know about you? Possible topics: Academic issues / successes/ worries Extra-curricular stuff - sports, activities, hobbies, interests What do you love to do??? Home life Challenges you are dealing with Goals, Hopes, Obstacles to success, Fears, Phobias, Food allergies? Anything interesting or noteworthy
Growth Mindset Quiz
English 1 Wednesday, August 8 Supplies: pen, paper and binder, planner, growth mindset worksheet from last class Remember to silence phone, put in backpack, backpack on counter. Agenda: Surviving High School – Words of Wisdom Growth Mindset videos – take notes. discuss Discussion – growth mindset quiz results One Pager – directions, questions, work time (due 8/13) Course Description – handout, questions
Growth Mindset Videos As you watch the following videos, take notes about elements of growth mindset that are new, interesting, helpful, or important. Do you have questions? Make note of those too!
Khan Academy Video
Panyee FC
Growth Mindset Quiz Results – These are the “scores” from your mindset quiz you took. 45-60 Strong Growth Mindset 34-44 Growth Mindset with Some Fixed Ideas 21-33 Fixed Mindset with Growth Ideas 0-20 Strong Fixed Mindset
One Pager Read through the directions page. Highlight key details. Write down any questions you have about the assignment. Look at the outline - 2 pages. Discuss options. Models on board. *These have more items than yours will… When is this due? It is due 8/14. Any other questions about this project? I am happy to answer any questions or give feedback next class so that you have time to continue working on it over the weekend.
Course Description – Time permitting Course Description – Time permitting. If we run out of time, this will be homework. Highlight 4 key items on each side of your course description. Write down two questions you have based on course description next to the section they apply to. One more question about anything class procedure, policy, norms, etc. at the top of the first page.
Homework Textbook 2 dividers in your binder Read over course description and follow directions on handout. One pager – due in two class periods on 8/14. You must turn in your outline with the completed one-pager.
English 1 Friday, August 10 Supplies: pen, paper and binder, planner, TEXTBOOK FROM SHELF Pick up calendar from blue bin on table. Remember to silence phone, put in backpack, backpack on counter. Agenda: Course Description – handout, questions One Pager – questions Textbook pages Activity 1.13 – unpack rubric Vocab QHT Act. 1.13 - Elements of Argument/Types of Evidence Brainstorm list of Qs for college grads and voc workers Homework: Complete one-pager. Outline and poster due Monday 8/13 (A day) or Tues 8/14 (B day) Other – To be determined 7th period – course description with questions.
Course Description and One pager Questions?
Textbook pages Pages 1-4, 61-90
Unpack Assessment and Rubric Page 61 – Unpacking Embedded Assessment 2 Underline or highlight important details in the writing prompt. With your partner, answer these questions about the prompt: What do you need to know to complete the assessment? What skills must you have? (What do you have to be able to do?)
Unpack Assessment and Rubric Page 90 – rubric Make a chart of verbs and nouns for each bullet point on the rubric
Vocabulary QHT These words: Inference, claim, counterclaim Voice, tone, diction, juxtaposition, denotation, connotation, rhetorical appeals, logos, ethos, pathos Next to each word, write Q H or T Q – I do not know this word. I have questions. H – I have heard of this word. I am a little familiar. T – I know this word! I could teach it!
Homework Complete one-pager. Outline and poster due Monday 8/13 (A day) or Tues 8/14 (B day)