Karen Mesa Atika Meer Joshua Flint Sayfe isaah Advocacy Karen Mesa Atika Meer Joshua Flint Sayfe isaah
What is Advocacy? Advocacy involves strategies aimed at influencing the creation and implementation of laws and policy
The Art of Advocacy The art of advocacy is the active support of a cause in attempt to persuade others.
Ways To Do It 2nd The Art of Advocacy Speak Out! The online version of the book gives us a website that gives various topics of debate and then it lets you advocate your position on the topic that interest you.
Ways To Do It The Art of Advocacy Basic Tips for Writing Appeals The online book also gives you a link were you can decide whether you want to write a letter to a government official concerning a certain action, or a policy on a issue that is important to you, and this website gives you tips on how to make your letter presentable.
The Magnificent Website http://www.glencoe.com/sec/socialstudies/street_law/t extbook_activities/cases_resources/chapter03.php