2016-17 A+ Information Session By Mrs. Andrea Reed, A+ Coordinator/10th-12th Counselor Last Names M-Z 11/28/2018
What is the A+ Program? Your student has the opportunity to receive tuition incentives to Missouri Community Colleges or Vocational Technical Schools. Windsor High School is an “A+ School” designated by the state of Missouri. 11/28/2018
What are the requirements? To qualify for A+ Tuition Incentives, a student must: 1. Sign an A+ Agreement. 2. Earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale by graduation. 3. Maintain a 95% attendance average over a 4 year period. 4. Provide 50 hours of supervised tutoring within the Windsor School District. 12.5 can be towards job shadowing. Forms for tutoring and job shadowing are in the office. 5. Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoid the unlawful use of drugs (have no alcohol or drug offenses in accordance with school policy). 7. Attend an A+ high school for 3 years. 8. Be a US citizen. 9. The student’s parents must also complete a free application for Federal Student Aid. (FAFSA) after October 1st of senior year. Form available at: www.fafsa.ed.gov 10. Pass the Algebra I End of Course Exam with a score of Advanced or Proficient OR score a 17 or higher in math on the ACT. 11/28/2018
SOPHOMORES AND FRESHMEN 9th and 10 graders in A+ have limited responsibilities to be in the program. These are: Sign an A+ form, Keep a 2.5 or C/B grade point average [Not appealable], Have 95% attendance or better, Can appeal at the end of senior year. Keep all attendance records. Pass your Algebra EOC, Stay out of trouble. 1 OSS is appealable. This is based on an appeal committee decision at the end of your senior year. 2 OSS are not appealable. Alcohol or drugs on campus are automatic dismissal. 11/28/2018
Juniors Attend an A+ training at school Work on your 50 hours of tutoring/38.5 hours of tutoring and 12.5 hours of job shadowing. Form located in the counselor’s office. Re-take ACT or Algebra I EOC. See Mrs. Dorsey. Keep up with grades, attendance, and citizenship. 11/28/2018
Senior Checklist All A+ Tutoring hours need to be completed by May 15, 2017! OSS appeals need to be turned in to the guidance office before May 1, 2017. Students must write a letter stating why they should be approved, what they have learned from the incident, and how they improved his/her behavior. The letter need to be addressed to the OSS Appeal Committee. FAFSA needs to be completed after October 1, 2016. (www.fafsa.ed.gov) Maintain 95% attendance or better. If a senior falls below the 95% attendance requirement and otherwise completes all other requirements of the A+ program he/she will be permitted an attendance appeal if the excessive absences were due to documented illness or injury to the student. Appeals must be submitted to the A+ Coordinator between May 1 and May 15. Every 3 weeks you will receive updated attendance with your progress report. Please pay close attention to this data. Maintain a 2.5 GPA on a non-weighted scale. Cannot appeal. 11/28/2018
A+ MEETINGS AND TRAINING SCHEDULE Juniors and Seniors Only: A+ Training-Semester 1, 9/2016 Time and Date TBA A+ Training- End of Semester 1, 12/2016 TBA A+ Training- Semester 2, 1/2017 TBA Sophomores and Juniors Only: A+ Training- End of Semester 2, 5/2017 TBA 11/28/2018
SENIOR RECOGNITION All eligible A+ seniors will receive red chords to wear at graduation, as well as be listed in the graduation program. These chords will be handed out at graduation practice. Please be aware it is the student’s responsibility to wear them at graduation. We will not replace lost chords. We are very proud of our A+ students’ accomplishments and their representation of Windsor High School over the previous four years. 11/28/2018
Eligible Missouri Institutions http://windsor.k12.mo.us/hs/?p=347 The A+ program is only applicable in the state of Missouri. 11/28/2018
Four Year Universities A+ Scholarships Some Missouri 4 year colleges offer A+ scholarships, for example: SEMO- $1000 UMKC- $1500 Drury- $1000-$5500 For a full list of Missouri schools, please visit our website http://windsor.k12.mo.us/hs/?p=16337 11/28/2018
Using A+ Funds 11/28/2018 Requirement A+ students must maintain a cumulative 2.5 grade point average or above at all times; courses completed while in high school such as dual credit are not calculated in the cumulative grade point average. Course Completion A+ students must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward completion of his/her program of study which includes a cumulative 2.0 g.p.a. and completion of 67% of all coursework attempted. Withdrawn Courses May have to repay. Repeat Courses May not pay for repeat courses. Common A+ Questions If I lose my A+ can I get it back and how? Yes, but in addition to meeting all other eligibility criteria, you must have a cumulative 2.5 grade point average or above and a 67% completion rate to earn it back. When will my A+ funds expire? Once one of the following occurs, A+ ends: 48 months after high school graduation, once you receive an Associate’s degree, or completion of 105% of a program of study. How many credit hours must I take each term? Students must be enrolled full time. Exceptions may be made for students with a documented disability or for those with proof that there are not enough courses remaining in their degree program to enroll full time. What costs are not covered by A+? Anything other than tuition. What if I have a Pell grant? If you have a Pell grant, but it does not cover all tuition expenses, then A+ will cover what is left of tuition only. The Pell grant will always pay first, and if there is any tuition balance left A+ will then pay. 11/28/2018
Contact Information For More Information Contact: Mrs. Andrea Reed A+ Schools Coordinator Windsor High School 6208 Hwy. 61-67 Imperial, MO 63052 636-464-4435 or areed@windsor.k12.mo.us Check out the Missouri Department of Higher Education at http://www.dhe.mo.gov/ppc/grants/aplusscholarship.php 11/28/2018