Introduction to Parts of Speech Every word of every sentence is one of the eight parts of speech.
noun—person, place, thing, or idea Examples—student, parents, home, floor, cell phone, ice, cat, freedom, wisdom
pronoun—a word used in place of a noun Examples—I, me, he, she, us, we, you, it, they, their, his, hers, mine
Examples—lavender, little, soft, fuzzy, happy, funny, round, sharp adjective adjective—a word that modifies a noun or pronoun by telling what kind or which one Examples—lavender, little, soft, fuzzy, happy, funny, round, sharp
verb verb—a word that represents an action or a state of being examples— eat, ate, eaten, eating, swim, swam, swum, swimming, fall, fell, fallen, falling
adverb slowly oddly quickly moderately adverb—a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb (-ly) examples— slowly, quickly, moderately, oddly, excitedly, surprisingly quickly moderately
Interjection! Wow! Really? No way! Yes! Dude! interjection—a word or phrase that expresses feeling or emotion and functions independently of a sentence Dude! Examples—wow, great, oops, ouch, oh, ah, no way, huh, really, hey, yes, no, dude
conjunction—a part of speech that connects two words, phrases or clauses together b o tion y s examples— for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
before after over in on between beside in front of by behind preposition—a word that is used in front of a noun or a pronoun that usually describes a relationship of time or space examples—before, beside, by, in, between, behind, on, over, in front of, after over in on between beside behind in front of by before after