The War In Europe & North Africa Chapter 24 Section 1 The U.S. in World War II Riddlebarger
How and why did the Allies fight the Battle of the Atlantic? What were the key events of the war in the Soviet Union? What did American forces accomplish in North Africa and Italy?
The Battle of the Atlantic For the U.S. & the Allies, defeating the Axis Powers depends largely on control of the seas. Only way for US to get soldiers & supplies to Europe Germans Navy mainly relies on u-boats (subs) to harass Allied shipping.
U-Boat Attacks In World War I, Allies learned to protect ships with convoys Early in World War II, US & British don’t have enough ships to form effective convoys. German wolfpack tactics increase effectiveness of attacks. Hunt in groups & attack at night.
Allies fight back After US declares war, attacks increase. American shipyards begin producing at an amazing rate. Now form bigger, more effective convoys. Enigma By wars end, 70% of Germans who served on subs are dead. The Atlantic Ocean will belong to the Allies.
"You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down." - Hitler, on invading the Soviet Union
War in the Soviet Union In the summer of 1941, Hitler broke his non- aggression pact with Stalin. Once he sends his forces into the Soviet Union, the Soviets join the Allies.
Operation Barbarossa For the next several months, Germans storm into Soviet Union Soviets seem unable to stop blitzkrieg While close to collapse, they do not fall Russian winter helps to save them.
Siege of Leningrad Germans hold a huge portion of Soviet Union Lay siege to Leningrad (St. Petersburg) 900 day siege costs over 600,000 Soviet civilian casualties
Battle of Stalingrad Stalingrad is major target for Germans- large industrial center Some of the bloodiest fighting in the history of warfare here. Germans fail to take city -Stunning defeat marks begin of end for Germans in USSR Germans lose 2 million; Soviets 12 million; millions of civilian deaths.
German Failure Soviets were successful because: Winter set in Vast distance to cover Supply lines become too stretched Soviets ultimately faced the brunt of German aggression Loss of 27 million lives
American Forces in North Africa & Italy After fall of France in 1940, British & Italians begin battle for North Africa Vital region for Allies- to control shipping of oil in Mediterranean Sea Italians based out of Libya; British out of Egypt Italians beaten badly forcing Hitler to send in troops to region. British win major victory at El-Alamein despite brilliance of German Gen. Erwin Rommel (the Desert Fox)
Operation Torch FDR anxious for U.S. to make quick impact. Stalin wanted an invasion of Europe to divide German attention Allies decide to go to North Africa
Operation Torch Landing Dwight D. Eisenhower is US commander Allies meet little resistance in 6 months of fighting. US gains valuable experience Now Allies will cross Mediterranean and go into Italy
On To Italy 1st: invasion of Sicily FDR & Churchill warning Italians turn on Mussolini and force him from power Battle of Anzio leads to Allied breakthrough. 30,000 casualties Allied foothold in Europe Fighting in Italy lasts over a year with 300,000 casualties.
The Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Bulge After D-Day, Allies move eastward in fall of 1944. Germans fight well in places but appear near collapse In December, Germans launch a surprise attack. Battle of the Bulge- refers to bulge in Allied lines.
Allied Victory For several days, Allied gains are threatened by German advances. U.S. troops led by George S. Patton turn a key battle in Allied favor. Symbol of American strength & determination.