Presentation at University of Manchester School of Law / 2 July 2018 A WATERWAY REPURPOSED – NATURE PARKS RISE ALONG ENGLAND’S MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL PAUL STANTON KIBEL PROFESSOR, GOLDEN GATE UNIVERSITY (ggu) SCHOOL OF LAW DIRECTOR, ggu ceNTER ON Urban Environmental Law (CUEL) Natural resource counsel, water and power law group Presentation at University of Manchester School of Law / 2 July 2018
THE SHIP ON MANCHESTER CITY FC’S BADGE A Strange Symbol for a City Not on the Coast
A CANAL BUILT FOR LATE 19th CENTURY SHIPS When Completed in 1984 the Largest Navigational Channel in the World
THE ROUTE OF THE MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL A Waterway for Manchester Commerce to Bypass the Port of Liverpool
A VESSEL PLYS THE MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL Too Narrow and Too Shallow for Modern Container Ships
Situated Cheek by Jowl with Industry MOORE NATURE RESERVE Situated Cheek by Jowl with Industry
WIGG ISLAND COMMUNITY PARK Former Mustard Gas Works Transformed into Open Space
OCEAN GATEWAY/PORT SALFORD PROJECT A Plan to Revive Commercial Traffic on the Manchester Ship Canal
TRAFFORD ECOLOGY PARK NEAR THE CANAL Making Manchester A City People Want to Live and Work In
OLD ERIE CANAL FROM ALBANY TO BUFFALO Linking the Atlantic Ocean/New York City to the Great Lakes
THE “ARTIFICIAL RIVER” AS A “NATURAL” RESOURCE Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, Erie Canal Trail and Old Erie Canal State Historic Park
THE RIGHT SYMBOL FOR THE CITY Manchester Ship Canal Viewed as Permanent Element of Natural Landscape