The Age of Discovery & Exploration The Re-Discovery of America
New Navigation Tools Allow Trans-Atlantic Travel Navigational Schools – taught a new generation of sailors New Ships – The Portuguese Caravel was a revolution in Ocean Travel New Instruments – The Astrolabe helped determine Location while sailing
Prince Henry of Portugal Navigational Schools Prince Henry of Portugal “Henry the Navigator” Taught sailors how to navigate oceans Used new navigational tools to make travel easier
New Ship Technology Portuguese / Spanish Design Made long Ocean voyages possible Fast, tough ships Could hold large amounts of cargo
New Instruments / Technology Astrolabe Technology brought back from the Crusades Helped determine Latitude Allowed sailors to sail away from the coast
What Motivated Them? God (To Spread Christianity) Gold (To Gain Wealth) Glory (For the Reputation of their Nation)
Ferdinand Magellan Achievements Magellan’s Voyage Portuguese Explorer First Person to Circumnavigate the Globe Died during Voyage 1519-1522
(Looking for riches and spices to trade) Spain Sends Columbus Looking for a trade route to East Asia (Looking for riches and spices to trade) Believes world to be round Chooses to sail west from Spain around the world
Columbus’s Encounter Explored for Spain 1492 Looking for East Asia He believes he is in India – Mistakenly calls Natives “Indians”