WG NaN Stocktaking Paper WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering 5 th WG NaN meeting Stockholm, November 2012 Jan Vannieuwenhuyse, Jukka Rakkolainen NaN(2012)031rev1 See document NaN(2012)030rev1
Introduction The WG NaN, 4 th meeting in Dubrovnik in May 2012 Decision to stop harmonisation activities for numbering ranges beginning with 1 Decision to document activities in harmonisation in numbering NaN(2012)030: WG NaN Stocktaking Paper WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering1
Harmonisation Activities 1970 – 2000 CEPT: Long Term Standardisation of National Numbering Plans First version in / 0 / 112 / 115 / 118 ECTRA/REC(97)01: Numbering Access to Voice Directory Enquiry Services – designating 118 ETO: Harmonisation of Short Codes in Europe 1998 Short numbers which are short telephone numbers; Prefixes, which are always followed by a telephone number; Access codes, which are always the first part of a telephone number or a prefix A vague trial to start harmonisation activities after the ETO report failed because of lack of interest WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering2
European Commission and 00 and 112 Council Decision of 29 July 1991 on the introduction of a single European emergency call number (91/396/EEC) 112 Council Decision of 11 May 1992 on the introduction of a standard international telephone access code in the Community (92/264/EEC) 00 WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering3
HESC European Commissions idea of Card Stop Europe project in 2003 a universal international freephone number an ETNS number a three-digit 11x national number Germany: (2004) The WG NNA created a new Project Team Harmonised European Short Codes (PT HESC) at its meeting in Valencia (June 2004) ECC/REC/(04)07: Designation of 116 Number Range for Possible Future Europe-Wide Harmonised Short Numbers ECC Report 70: Services Based on HESC (2005) – number length of the HESC should be 4 digits WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering4
European Commission and 116 Commission Decision on reserving the national numbering range beginning with 116 for harmonised numbers for harmonised services of social value on 15 February 2007 (2007/116/EC) A national number was reserved for Hotlines for missing children Commission Decision of 29 October 2007 added numbers: for Child helplines for Emotional support helplines Commission Decision of 30 November 2009 added numbers: for Helpline for victims of crime for Non-emergency medical on-call service WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering5
Harmonisation Activities 2007 – 2012 ECC/DEC/(07)03: Reserving the National Numbering Range Beginning with 116 for Harmonised Numbers for Harmonised Services of Social Value Extension of EC Decision to whole CEPT Amended in 2008 and 2010 to address the additional 116-number ranges ECC/REC/(08)03: Services Using Harmonized European Short Codes in the National Numbering Range Beginning with 116 Sponsorship could be used to fund the cost of the calls Preferably the calls should be free to the caller Tariff announcements, if calls were not free to the caller WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering6
Harmonisation Activities 2007 – 2012 ECC/DEC/(09)06: Reserving the National Short Message Service (SMS) Numbering Range Beginning with 116 for Harmonised SMS Numbers for Harmonised Services of Social Value Amended in 2010 to address the additional 116-number ranges The European Traffic and Traveller Information Number (ETTIN) A service project interested in getting similar number as 116 HESC Not to be based on the freephone concept Exercise to analyse national numbering ranges beginning with 10X and 11X further analyse of ranges 111, 115 and 117 No short number in the 11X range is free in all CEPT countries WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering7
Harmonisation Activities 2007 – 2012 Discontinuation of PT HESC (WG NaN, Luxembourg, November 2010) Trials to further harmonise national numbering ranges beginning with 11X Draft ECC Decision on 111 – failed! Draft ECC Recommendation on usage and reservation on 11X – failed! Harmonisation efforts considering the national number range beginning with 1 will be stopped (WG NaN, Dubrovnik, May 2012) WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering8
Harmonisation Time-line WG NaN Activities in Harmonisation in Numbering9 CEPT Long Term Standardisation of National Numbering Plans ETO: Harmonisation of Short Codes in Europe EC: Introduction of Card Stop Europe project PT HESC created ECC REC on 116 ECC Report: Services Based on HESC ECC DEC on 116 Expansion to CEPT ECC REC Services using HESC Exercise of 10X and 11X for ETTIN ECC DEC on 116 SMS Harmonisation trials on 111 and 11X Decision to stop harmonisation within 1 range Harmonisation trials on 111 and 11X failed ECTRA REC on Council Decision on Council Decision on 00