Français 1/8/18 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 86. Faites # 19. When does your dinner never get hot? Le repos – rest. J’ai besoin de repos. I need some rest. Goals - Practice with demonstrative adj. Learn the rules of using colors. Practice with demontrative adjectives and colors. Devoirs – A la page 96, Faites # 8. When it is chili/
Français 1/9/18 Write four sentences saying your want to buy specific items. Make sure to use colors, and masc., fem., plural. If you aren’t feeling well what should you do? Vendre – to sell. Il vend des chausures. He sells shoes. Goals – Work with dem. adj., vocab, and colors. Devoirs – Write six sentences; three about what you need, three about what you want. Use dem. Adj. and colors. Take off your gloves.
Français 1/10/18 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 96. Faites # 7. What is worse than a centipede with athlete’s foot? Bumf – paperwork. Short for the slang word, bumfodder… toilet paper. Goals - Practice with colors and demonstrative adjectives. Les devoirs – A la page 96, faites le 6. A turtle with claustrophobia.
Français 1/11/18 Ask five questions about whether your friend likes a specific item in a specific color. What is worse than a turtle with claustrophobia? Chucker-out – bouncer. Goals - Figure out the scenario for Dialogue 3-2. Circuit Practice asking and responding with dem. Adj. and colors. Les devoirs – Ecrivez Dialogue 3-2. An elephant with hay fever.
Français 1/12/18 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 98. Faites # 1. Ecoutons Your French Teacher is so old that he knew Burger King when he was still a prince. La magie – magic. Comme par magie! As if by magic! Goals – Practice for Orale 3-2. Devoirs – Ecrivez Dialogue 3-2. Différemment.