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Formation & Knighthood Degree Schedules Degree Announcements must be sent to State Webmaster for posting.
Council Information Report of Officers must be sent to the State Office Administrator. Otherwise, GK and FS information will not get updated on the website. Submitting through Membership Management does not submit to the state. The State Office Administrator will compile council data and send to State Webmaster for updating. There are over 300 councils in the state, so this process takes some time.
Forms Registration for State Events such as the Convention and Athletic Events can now be filled out and paid for online, thanks to our State AV Chairman Brett Cormier. State Program Grading Forms are available to printing / viewing. The updated forms will be ready near Grand Knights Day with plenty of time for submission before the April 5, 2019 deadline. The State Webmaster is working on a system to improve the process of submitting Supreme Forms to the State Council. That project is progressing well and further information will be coming in the future.
Social Media Follow the Knights of Columbus Louisiana State Council on Facebook and YouTube. There are now plenty of event pictures on our Facebook page, thanks to State Photographer Bob Lino.
Brandon Hendricks State Webmaster