LG’s: Assess the structure and strength of a paragraph Peer Editing LG’s: Assess the structure and strength of a paragraph
Introduction Interesting opening sentence? Underline the warrant. Double underline the backing. Circle the transition sentences. Assess the claim Underline the subordinating clause. Clear? Compelling?
Topic sentence Rate the topic sentence. Is there a clear claim? Is it just summary or plot based? Too broad? Too specific? Too busy?
Body sentences Does each sentence relate clearly to the topic sentence? Do the sentences get off topic?
Grounds Rate the evidence. Rate the analysis Clear evidence? Close reading? Integrates language from the novel throughout the paragraph? Strong choice of language from the text? Or just plot based. Rate the analysis Does the author provide a good explanation that explains why the evidence is important?
Closing sentence Is there an apt closing sentence? Relates paragraph to topic sentence/main claim? Does the paragraph end with a quote?
Language Cross out any “things.” Circle all to-be verbs “thing,” “something,” “anything,” “nothing.” Circle all to-be verbs Am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been. If the to-be verb is a linking verb, write LV above it. He is a boy. She is a teacher. If the to-be verb is a helping verb, write HV above it. He is riding on the raft. They were hiding from Pap. If the verb is passive voice, write PV and mark an “X” through the verb. Huck is seen on the raft. Jim was affected by Huck.