Welcome Back to School Night
Let’s start at the beginning
My mission statement It is my mission, in partnership with home and community, to inspire every student to think, to learn, to achieve, and to care. I am committed to creating a nurturing environment and well- balanced instructional program that will enable all children to reach their highest level of academic success. I will stress high expectations and address the physical, social, and emotional needs of all children with a variety of ability levels and learning styles.
Education Bachelor of Arts, Florida Southern College in Lakeland, FL Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Applied Studies, University of Richmond Endorsement in Gifted Education, University of Virginia
Employment Teacher, Twin Hickory Print journalist with The Richmond Times-Dispatch, The Daily Press (Newport News) and The Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.)
Family Wife, Julia Son, William (15) Daughter, Amelia (22)
Teaching Expectations Looking forward to elaborating enrichment ideas with parents during the school year. Learning and Teaching Expectations Enrichment opportunities and accelerated curriculum will be made available based on student readiness, interest, and learning style Rigor, acceleration and elaboration of subject areas, while following the county pacing guide. Varied rates and degrees of complexity using advanced teaching materials when appropriate
Language Arts Empowering Writers - expository, persuasive, narrative Novel studies - develop an appreciation of literature through analysis of literary devices Independent Reading projects (both in and out of class) TFK – Time For Kids Word study- broaden the depth of vocabulary through Greek/Latin stems and other extensions Jacob’s Ladder - W&M Gifted Center literary program. Differentiation through passages
Math Menu of higher level tasks/activities to enrich core curriculum Mean, mode, median, range Fractions, decimals, percent Order of operations Data – stem and leaf plots/line graphs Extension/intervention time
Social Studies/Science Henrico County; regions of the United States Scientific investigation; geology; matter; light/sound; oceans These areas covered through variety of higher- level activities. (Socratic seminars, RAFT and choice menus, independent research)
Important Info ISNs – graded work HOMEWORK – agenda/Web site ABSENCES SNAPSHOT
Communication Keeping the lines of communication open are extremely important. Our teamwork is key to the success of your child. Please feel free to contact me. E-mail: htadair@henrico.k12.va.us Phone: 360-4700. Web: http://blogs.henrico.k12.va.us/htadair/ Class Dojo: used primarily for text messages regarding reminders, schedule changes, homework updates. Also may be used when child hits rough patch with behavior, assignments, etc.