Proposed New Saint Michael Church
Mortgage Burning
Parish Debt Free
Saint Michael Parish 2010
History of Phase I Construction and Financing 2005 Began conversations regarding new Saint Michael location. 2006 Current land secured from Diocese. 2006-07 Parishioner input: meetings, subcommittees and architect input. 2008 Recession postpones “Moving Mountains” Capital Campaign 1 year. 2009 “Moving Mountains” Campaign raises $3.8 million in pledges. Fall 2011 Follow up “Moving Mountains” Campaign raises $750,000. Current facilities open. Total cost $7.1 million (debt to DIAL $5.4 million). 2013-14 Multiple parishioner’s subcommittees, surveys and conceptual designs developed. Fall 2014- Spring 2015 “Our Family, Our Faith, Our Future” Campaign raises $6.2 million. January 2017 Planning begins for “Next Step” Campaign. December 2017 100% of Phase I debt and St. Michael “JOY OF THE GOSPEL” commitment paid off. 2018 Taking the NEXT STEP.
Diocesan Project Approval Requirements All Debt Paid Off Joy of the Gospel Commitment Paid Balanced Parish and School Operating Budgets 50% of Project Cash in Hand Next Step Campaign 55% of Project Costs Pledged 2020 Campaign?
Major Components of Phase II Construction Plans 750 Seat Capacity Church with Choir Loft 200 Seat Overflow Capacity in Large Narthex Middle School Education Space Basic Initial Artwork and Ornamentation Cry Room, Bridal and Funeral Family Rooms Covered Drop Off Area with Nearby Parking
Our Family, Our Faith, Our Future: The Next Step COSTS Estimated Phase II Cost in 2020 Dollars $12,250,000 Fundraising Costs (2 Campaigns) $250,000 Estimated Interest $750,000 TOTAL FUNDING NEED $13,250,000 FUNDING Current Phase II Cash in Hand (January 15, 2018) $1,500,000 Expected Additional Collections from 2014/15 Campaign $800,000 Expected Collections from 2017/18 Next Step Campaign $3,800,000 Potential Collections from 2020 Capital Campaign $7,150,000 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS
Anticipated Phase II Timeline 2017-2019 Continue pledge payments from Our Family, Our Faith, Our Future November 2017-March 2018 Next Step Campaign ($4 million goal, $4.5 million stretch goal) Spring 2019 Re-engage architectural team and form Parish Building Committees Spring 2020 Begin planning for Fall 2020 capital campaign Fall 2020 Begin 2020-21 five-year pledge period capital campaign Spring 2021 Potential groundbreaking for Phase II Fall 2022 Potential first Mass and opening of Middle School Education Wing *All timelines are contingent on success of the prior steps and approval from the Diocese.
Next Step Campaign Goals Minimum Goal: $4 million Stretch Goal: $4.5 million CAMPAIGN COMPLETED MARCH 2018
Next Step Campaign Phases Leadership Gift Phase 20 $100,000+ asks Fr. Borowiak personal visits New Parishioner Phase ≈ 225 parish families Personal visits from ≈ 30 volunteer couples 2014-15 “Our Family, Our Faith, Our Future” Donor Extension Phase ≈ 450 parish families Letters and follow up visits as needed Parishioners who did not participate in “Our Family, Our Faith, Our Future” ≈ 200 parish families Letters and follow up visits
Current Campaign Status Minimum Goal $4 million Challenge Pledges (2 gifts of $1 million) $2 million Current Additional Pledges Since December 1 $0.9 million TOTAL PLEDGES TO DATE Minimum Additional Pledges Needed to Reach Goal $2.9 million $1.1 million Target Campaign Completion Date: MARCH 2018
Please Give Joyfully