Por or Para Although the prepositions por and para may both be translated as for in English, they are not interchangeable in most cases. Each word has a distinctly different use in Spanish, as shown in the following slides. Note that an infinitive is used when a verb comes after por and para as well as after all prepositions.
Recipients or intended person(s) Para Para is very unidirectional and points forward toward a goal or destination, whether literal or figurative. Para indicates: Point of time or space (deadline) 1 by a certain time; to or toward a certain location Destination or destiny 2 goal, intended purpose 3 Recipients or intended person(s) 4 Comparison (with a norm) 5 Purpose or goal (to, in order to)
Para 1 2 Destination, destiny Limit of time or space (deadline) Mañana Juan sale para Madrid. Tomorrow Juan is leaving for Madrid. El rey sale para la conferencia mundial. The king is leaving for the world conference. 2 Limit of time or space (deadline) Debo llegar a la reunión para las 10:00, a más tardar. I must arrive at the meeting by 10:00, at the latest. Es necesario que terminemos el informe para el martes. It is necessary that we finish the report by Tuesday.
Para 3 4 Recipients or intended person(s) Comparison (with a norm) El regalo es para mi hermano. The gift is for my brother. ¿Este es el discurso para el gobernador? Is this the speech for the governor? 4 Comparison (with a norm) Ella es muy alta para su edad. She is very tall for her age. Para un periódico liberal, presenta muchas opiniones tradicionales. For a liberal newspaper, it presents many traditional opinions.
Para 5 Purpose or goal (to, in order to) Pablo estudia para (ser) médico. Pablo is studying to be a doctor. Trabajo para ganar dinero para costear mi educación. I work in order to earn money to pay for my education.
Para is used in some set phrases such as the following: para siempre forever ¿para qué? what for? para eso for that (sarcastically) no ser para tanto not to be a big deal sin qué ni para qué without rhyme or reason
Por Por is less direct and can point in various directions, including backward towards cause or motive. Por indicates: 1 Duration of time (during, for) 2 Imprecise or approximate direction or time around a certain time; through or by way of a certain location 3 Motive or cause 4 Exchange or interchange 5 Means or mode
Por 1 2 3 Duration of time Imprecise or approximate direction or time Vamos a estar en Cancún por dos semanas. We’re going to be in Cancún for two weeks. Imprecise or approximate direction or time 2 Vamos a pasear por el parque por la tarde. We’re going to take a walk through the park during the afternoon. 3 Motive or cause Estudio español por amor al idioma. I study Spanish because of a love for the language.
Por 4 5 Exchange or interchange Means or mode Si no puedes ir a la reunión, yo voy por ti. If you can’t go to the meeting, I’ll go in your place. Pagué diez dólares por el CD de Óscar de León. I paid ten dollars for the Óscar de León CD. 5 Means or mode Siempre mando mis cartas por avión. I always send my letters by air mail. Vamos a viajar por tren. We’re going to travel by train.
Por Some other uses 1 Estar por + infinitive expresses readiness (to be about to do something) Estoy por salir. I am about to leave. Estamos por visitar la tumba de Bolívar en el centro de Caracas. We are about to visit Bolívar’s tomb in downtown Caracas. 2 “Per” La velocidad máxima es de 70 millas por hora. The speed limit is 70 miles per hour.
Por Some other uses 3 Ir por, venir por = to go for, to come for or in search of something or someone El conductor está gravemente herido. Voy por el médico. The driver is gravely injured. I’ll go for the doctor. 4 Que queda por hacer = that remains to be done Tengo dos proyectos por terminar. I have two projects yet to be finished. Eso está por verse. That remains to be seen.
Por por ahora for now por aquí around here, this way por casualidad Por is also used in a large number of set phrases such as the following: por ahora for now por aquí around here, this way por casualidad by chance por completo completely por Dios for God’s (goodness’ ) sake por desgracia unfortunately por ejemplo for example
Por por el bien de alguien for someone’s good por eso Por is also used in a large number of set phrases such as the following: por el bien de alguien for someone’s good por eso therefore, for that reason por favor please por fin at last, finally por lo general in general por lo menos at least
Por por más que . . . no matter how much . . . por medio de Por is also used in a large number of set phrases such as the following: por más que . . . no matter how much . . . por medio de by means of por nada you’re welcome por si acaso just in case por suerte luckily, fortunately por supuesto of course, naturally por último finally