Reaching for spirituality Weightier matters Mk 12:28-34 Mt 5:7
Reaching for spirituality Where do we look? Finding Spirituality in Life True Spirituality can only be found through the one true God who created us All others lack lasting substance Struggle is real, even for Christians
Reaching for spirituality Where do we look? In the Church Mt 23:23-24, Focus on Doctrine in Absence of the Spiritual One Dimensional Christianity Lacks Heb 5:11-6:3, Babes vs. mature II Pet 1:5-11, Add to’s; The Blind One dimensional Christianity: No such thing! Doctrine, discipline, mercy, justice, love Pharisees were one dimensional spiritually: Doctrine
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Definitions: Judgment – giving what is deserved Mercy – not giving what is deserved Grace – giving what is not deserved Pity - sympathetic sorrow Compassion - sympathetic sorrow with a desire to alleviate Mt 23:23, these three are things one does or gives; not necessarily what one receives. Jesus assigns the responsibility to give these
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Attribute of God II Cor 1:3, Father of mercies Eph 2:4, is rich in mercy Jas 5:11, tender mercy I Pet 1:3-4, Abundant mercy
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy God can Withhold Rom 9:15-18, he has mercy on whom he will and hardens who he will God’s mercy is Conditional Study this more
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Jesus is Most Qualified to Show Mercy Heb 4:14-16, was in all points tempted like as we are Heb 2:16-18, made like unto his brethren “Common Mans” King Empathy Discuss empathy that Jesus can have; our limitation of having in those we don’t understand
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy God Rejects Worship He Commanded Isa 1:2-27, lacked judgment, benevolence Amos 5:10-12, tread upon the poor and afflict the just Amos 5:21-23, Obeyed the Law and worshiped Idols Jesus quotes Mic in Matthew Mt 9:11-13; Mt 12:6-8
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy God Rejects Worship He Commanded Hos 6:4-7, For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice Mic 6:6-8, love mercy Jesus quotes Mic in Matthew Mt 9:11-13; Mt 12:6-8
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy God Prefers Mercy over Obedience Mt 9:11-13, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice Mt 12:1-8, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Christians have Obtained Mercy I Pet 1:3-4, begotten again to a lively hope I Pet 2:10, now have obtained mercy Eph 2:4-7, made alive with Christ Rom 5:8-10, were enemies, now reconciled
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Integral to Christian Behavior Col 3:12-17, Put on … bowels of mercy… Lk 6:36, Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful I Pet 3:8-9, have compassion, be pitiful…
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Contrasting Behaviors I Pet 3:8-9, Contrast against vengeance Eph 4:31-32, Contrast against ill will I Jn 3:16-19, Contrast against love of God Lk 10:25-37, Contrast against those who ignored the needy
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy To be Given with Cheerfulness Rom 12:8, he that shews mercy, with cheerfulness Jon 4:1-3, Contrasting Jonah’s attitude
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Mercy will be Shown in Kind Mt 5:7, Blessed are the merciful Mt 6:14-15, For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you Mt 18:21-35, Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Mercy will be Shown in Kind Jas 2:12-13, he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Definitions: Judgment – giving what is deserved Mercy – not giving what is deserved Grace – giving what is not deserved Pity - sympathetic sorrow Compassion - sympathetic sorrow with a desire to alleviate Mt 23:23, these three are things one does or gives; not necessarily what one receives. Jesus assigns the responsibility to give these
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy Lessons Our Responsibility Goes Beyond Obedience and Doctrine Mercy is God’s Nature Mercy is Righteousness Mercy Contrasted Mercy will be Shown in Kind
Reaching for spirituality The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Mercy God is not Wholly Merciful God Offers Mercy in Place of Justice Rom 3:23, all have sinned Rom 6:23, wages of sin is death Jam 2:13, Mercy rejoices against Judgment God is not one dimensional!