Choice Hotels Canada 2015 Franchisee Study Highlights © COPYRIGHT SKLAR WILTON + ASSOCIATES 2014
Research Approach The 2015 Franchisee Study was conducted 100% online with a national sample of Choice Hotels Franchisees. A total of 162 surveys were completed and interviewing was conducted throughout October to January. 2015 survey results are benchmarked against 2014 and 2012 results. Some new questions were added this year. When comparing this year’s results to past years, statistically significant differences are noted as follows: Indicates rating is higher/lower (at 95%) than previous year (e.g. 2015 vs. 2014 or 2014 vs. 2012) Indicates rating is higher/lower (at 90%) than previous year
Highlights 1. Overall Satisfaction With Choice Stable Vs. Year Ago with 2014 Gains Holding in 2015 Overall how satisfied are you with your Choice Hotels Canada franchise? (on 10 point scale) 2. Majority Feel CHC Meets Their Expectations Over the past 12 months, has your overall relationship with CHC met, exceeded or fallen short of your expectations? 2015 2014 2012 Exceeded 10% 12% Met 76% 75% Fallen Short 14% 15% 3. Choice Central & In the Loop Are Most Valued. Value Perceptions Up for Choice Central. In the past year, how valuable have you found the following communications and meetings…? (on 10 point scale) 4. Most feel CHC About the Same or Better than Competitors for services, ROI, Brand Delivery How do you think Choice Hotels Canada compares to other hotel franchise companies? 3
Highlights 5. Strong Satisfaction Levels Across Programs & Services. Highest Satisfaction Levels for CHC Help Desk, Billing Accuracy, FPCs, and ChoiceHotels websites. Please state how satisfied you are with Choice Hotels’ ability to provide this service or program during the past year New statements in 2015
Highlights 6. Most Franchisees Likely to Recommend CHC & Recommendation Levels Up in 2015 How likely would you be to recommend CHC as a brand to affiliate with? Over 4 in 10 Rate CP Rewards Better Than Competitive Programs & More Say It’s ‘Much Better’ in 2015 How do you think CHC’s loyalty and reward program (Choice Privileges) compares to other hotel franchise companies’ programs? 5