Mr. Wells Hickory Ridge HS


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Wells Hickory Ridge HS 17-4/17-5 Taft & Wilson Mr. Wells Hickory Ridge HS

The Republican Party & President William H. Taft

President Taft Won election of William Jennings Bryan in 1908 Supported by Theodore Roosevelt - Taft was TR’s Secretary of State Never got credit for busting 90 trusts Payne-Aldrich Tariff Taft wanted to lower tariffs Roosevelt warned against this Congress passed tariff which barely cut tariffs and raised prices on some of them Taft lost a lot of support from Progressives Bryan ran for a 3rd time and Slogan: “Vote for Taft this time, you can vote for Bryan anytime!” Overshadowed by Roosevelt. When I am addressed as Mr. President I turn to see whether you are not at my elbow!” Payne Bill in the House wanted to lower rates on imported goods and the Aldrich Bill in the Senate made few cuts and increased rates failed to reduce tariffs significantly He was a wealthy lawyer from Seattle

Taft Abandons Support for Women’s Suffrage Never Again! Taft Abandons Support for Women’s Suffrage

Conservation Issue: The Ballinger- Pinchot Controversy

Keep the Whistle Blowing Taft was determined to defeat TR and preserve the Republican Party.

Republican Party Platform High import tariffs. Put limitations on female and child labor. Workman’s Compensation Laws. Against initiative, referendum, and recall. Favored businesses – against bad trusts Creation of a Federal Trade Commission. Stay on the gold standard. Conservation of natural resources because they are finite.

The Progressive Party & Former President Theodore Roosevelt People should rise above their sectarian interests to promote the general good.

Theodore Roosevelt at Osawatomie, KS: New Nationalism Big business requires big government.

The Anti- Third-Term Principle

Progressive Party Platform Women’s suffrage. Graduated income tax. Inheritance tax for the rich. Lower tariffs. Limits on campaign spending. Currency reform. Minimum wage laws. Govt. supervision of big business Abolition of child labor. Workmen’s compensation. N e w N a t i o n a l i s m

As Big As a Balloon Tariff Reform

TR & Women’s Suffrage: The Militant Recruit

The Socialist Party & Eugene V. Debs The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity.

Growth of the Socialist Vote Year Socialist Party Socialist Labor Party Total 1888   2,068 1890 13,704 1892 21,512 1894 30,020 1896 36,275 36,274 1898 82,204 1900 96,931 33,405 130,336 1902 223,494 53,763 277,257 1904 408,230 33,546 441,776 1906 331,043 20,265 351,308 1908 424,488 14,021 438,509 1910 607,674 34,115 641,789 1912 901,873

The Industrial Worker: I. W. W. The first American labor group to open its membership to all wage-earning workers, regardless of skill, nationality, race, sex, or gender.

Socialist Party Platform Government ownership of railroads and utilities (Business). Guaranteed income tax. No tariffs. 8-hour work day. Better housing. Government inspection of factories. Women’s suffrage.

The Democratic Party & Governor Woodrow Wilson (NJ) Could he rescue the Democratic Party from “Bryanism”??

Democratic Party Platform Government control of the monopolies  trusts in general were bad  supports small business Tariff reduction. One-term President. Direct election of Senators. Create a Department of Labor. Strengthen the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Did NOT support women’s suffrage. Opposed to a central bank. Ne w F r e e d o m

Up Against the Hurdles

Election Results By 1912, 100,000 fewer people had voted for Wilson than had voted for Bryan in 1908. The 1912 election marked the end of the Socialist movement in America.

GOP Divided by Bull Moose Equals Democratic Victory!

Democrats Take The White House NJ Gov. Woodrow Wilson elected President New Freedom Platform

Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 Corporations can’t buy stock if it creates a monopoly Injunctions against strikers prohibited unless they destroy property Samuel Gompers (AFL) calls it the Magna Carta for labor Labor Unions and Farm organizations can exist  no longer subject to Anti-Trust laws

Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914

The Federal Trade Commission 1914 Power to investigate corporations and unfair business practices Required periodic reports from corporations Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC

The Sixteenth Amendment The Underwood Act of 1913 Greatly reduced tariffs (1st since Civil War) Wilson urged voters to monitor their Senators votes Senate wanted this more than the House The Sixteenth Amendment - Taxed more on higher incomes than lower - Gained more revenue in 1917 than tariffs

The Federal Reserve System (1913) Divided the Nation in 12 Districts Established regional banks in each district Transfers money to banks in trouble

The Federal Reserve System (1913)

The Women’s Struggle By 1910, only 5 states allowed women to vote Boston groups organized door to door campaign National Women’s Party created (Radical)  picketed the White House

Success to Women’s Suffrage Active local & grass root groups New strategies to build enthusiasm National Movement under Carrie Chapman Catt 19th Amendment finally passed in 1920

President Wilson’s Broken Promises Opposed federal anti-lynching legislation Appointed segregationists to his Cabinet Failed to oppose resegregation of federal offices Delegation of African- Americans told Wilson he betrayed them (11/12/1914)  William M. Trotter

BIBLIOGRAPHY “1912—Competing Visions for America.” Ohio State University. HarpWeek/Elections. “Election of 1912.” Susan M. Pojer – Horace Greely HS, NY Chris Balga – Hickory Ridge HS, NC