Maths context 2 tiers of entry – Higher & Foundation Higher grade range is 3 - 9 Foundation grade range is 1 – 5 3 papers, 1.5 hours long each Paper 1 non-calculator, Papers 2&3 calculator based 80 marks available on each paper 6 broad areas assessed 3 styles of question
Maths context Number (15% of the Higher paper, 25% of Foundation) Algebra (30% of the Higher paper, 20% of Foundation) Geometry & measure (20% of the Higher paper, 15% of Foundation) Ratio & proportion (20% of the Higher paper, 25% of Foundation) Statistics & Probability (15% of both tiers)
Maths context Assessment objectives & weightings Foundation % Higher % Foundation % Higher % AO1 Use and apply standard techniques Recall facts, carry out routine procedures 50 40 AO2 Reason, Interpret & Communicate Draw conclusions, give reasons, justify answers, interpret information 25 30 AO3 Solve problems, including in other contexts Translate problems into maths, connect parts of mathematics with each other
Mock results next week… This time last year 39% of students were on A*-C In the Summer 73% of students achieved A*-C It’s all about how you react to your grade
Maths timeline… 17 school weeks until the first exam (plus 3 weeks of holiday) We will have finished the curriculum by February half term Exam dates: Thu 25th May, Thu 8th June, and Tue 13th June (all AM)
Maths; What will be on offer? Intervention opportunities Lesson 7 workshops Parents’ evening in January February mocks Easter holiday and May half term Saturday immersions in April/May Walking talking mocks and breakfast revision.