Deaf/Hard of Hearing Disability Awareness
What is D/HH Deaf and hard of hearing means a diminished sensitivity to sound, or hearing loss, that is expressed in terms of standard audiological measures. Hearing loss has the potential to affect educational, communicative, or social functioning that may result in the need for special education instruction and related services.
What is D/HH Take a Moment...Listen
D/HH...What does it mean? Looks like: “ignoring”- discipline, questions, peers, adults; easily distracted, hard to keep on task, blank stares, nodding and saying yes but unable to repeat anything back correctly or answer correctly “disrupting class”- either doesn’t understand that someone is talking and they need to be paying attention or they can’t hear the person, they get bored, so they start entertaining themselves. Talking to neighbors- make sure that they’re not asking a neighbor a question about what is happening in calls. -ask if they need help, have a question, or if they are hearing everything. “Being rude”- blurting out loud, interrupting, saying yes and then doing the complete opposite.
Accommodations to Lesson Impact Preferential Seating (arm's length of teacher) Personal FM system Classroom Sound System Door Closed Not next to a fan or to something making a lot of consistent noise
How Can You Help? Visuals Ling sound checks Gentle reminders Help them help themselves: Self- Advocating Advocate! How Can You Help?