Year One Information Meeting 9th October 2018 Welcome!
Literacy in Year One Phonics is the link between letters and the sounds they make. It is taught through a 6 phased letters and sound programme throughout Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Children are taught – The connection between sounds and spelling patterns that represent them. To hear separate sounds within words. To blend sounds together.
How we teach phonics Every child has a 25 minute session of phonics teaching every day. In the session the children may ... play phonic games, singing, paired work, writing on individual whiteboards, games on the interactive whiteboard, human word making,
Vocabulary and terminology Phoneme – The individual units of sound that make up a word. c a t ● ● ●
Grapheme – What we write to represent a sound – this could be more than one letter ai ay a_e s n ai l s ay s afe ● ● ─ ● ● ─ ● ─
Digraph – The single sound that two letters together make ch sh ir ee ch air sh i p g ir l b ee p ─ ─ ─ ● ● ● ─ ● ● ─ ●
Trigraph – The single sound that three letters together make igh ear air s igh t f ear ch air ● ─ ● ● ─ ─ ─
Segmenting – breaking words down in their different phonemes to spell. Blending – building words from their different phonemes to read.
Phonics screening check Statutory phonics screening check. The phonics screening check is a short, simple assessment to make sure that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an appropriate standard by the age of 6. All year 1 pupils in maintained schools, academies and free schools must complete the check.
Phonics screening check
What can you do to help? Using objects to go to correct sound around the room. Use chalk outside Fishing for sounds Spellings Using phonics flash cards Sorting objects by their sound Playing with magnetic letters Reading Lists of words with the same phonemes, digraphs or trigraphs. Play I spy
Ordering cut up sentences Phoneme frames using counters for each sound. Writing and making words.
Useful Phonics Websites sounds
Reading in Year 1 Guided Reading Fundamentals of reading– how to hold a book, turn pages, reading left and right. Comprehension skills – making predictions, retrieval of facts, inference, discussions about the plot, characters or setting. Reading scheme.
Maths in Year 1 Solve problems by applying their maths Reason mathematically by making connections, evaluating and thinking critically Become fluent in the fundamentals of maths Telling the time, knowing the value of coins, fractions of shapes, names of common 2D & 3D shapes Recall: number bonds to ten, multiplication & division facts for 2,5,10 Understand the concept of Partitioning; Tens and Ones and use this in calculations using two digit numbers Read & Write numbers to 100 Explore everyday objects, talk about capacity, weight, size, time Solve problems with doubling, halving & Sharing Simple addition & Subtraction Count, order, say one more and one less to 20,
Maths in Year 1 Language and symbols Write numbers in words to 20. Shape and their properties Language and symbols Recall of number facts to 20. Coins and their value Number order Begin to develop ways of written recording Begin to explore standard measures when appropriate Write numbers in words to 20. Range of equipment to support images and mental methods Counting and writing numerals to 100 Mental images and methods
Ways to support at home The calculations policy is to support parents working at home with their child/children. Overviews of age related expectations. At home: baking, estimating time, telling the time, board games, counting up the stairs In the car: odd/even number plates, practice counting in 2s Ideas for games and activities. Apps Websites – Family Maths Nrich. Topmarks. ICT games.
By the time they leave us... Be confident to ‘have a go’ and see what happens! To make mistakes and learn from them for next time Make connections between what they know and a new area of learning. Maths is essential for science, technology and engineering it’s all connected! Talk about the maths they are doing and to give reasons for their choices. Maths provides a foundation for understanding the world, it should inspire a sense of enjoyment and curiosity.