Briefing to the FPAW Forum National Weather Service Progress in Forecasting and Product Generation Briefing to the FPAW Forum NBAA Convention October 13, 2004 Kevin Johnston National Weather Service
Overview TAF Improvements Human In Forecast Loop Volcanic Ash
TAFs Significant Improvement in FAR with little change in POD Training; Low C&V course New Tools; AVNFPS not just an observing tool Forecast Techniques and Guidance automated and interactive with forecasters SFO project transfer Site-specific TAFs Part of NWS and FAA CONOPS Climatology Developed Decision Aids Translate Impact More TAFs As requirements evolve-AVNFPS can help
Human In The Loop (HITL) Key component of JPDO effort through early and mid-phases Need to construct process to determine where, when and how human aids value MDL work with CIP/FIP and GTG Begin testing this month NCAR work with SR on Auto-nowcaster to improve initiation of convection
Volcanic Ash New collaboration tools in AR GOES 12 Detection Two-Band Split Window Technique Two IR bands available at 4km every 30 minutes New algorithm to detect ash from Imager Infrared brightness temperature