Why is it Important to Teach Nanoscience? David W. Mogk Professor of Geology Dept. of Earth Sciences Montana State University
Based on the previous talks, we’re doing a lot of diverse, important, interesting science about the fundamental nature of matter. This science has tremendous societal, economic, environmental applications (Hochella et al., 2016) nano-enabled products worth roughly US$1 trillion annually, which is expected to become US$3 trillion in 2020. government derived research and development funding is roughly US$10 billion annually, with publications in the neighborhood of 100,000 per year central to some of the most vital issues of the twenty-first century, including safe water, mineral and energy resource development, local/regional/global contaminant issues (including disease transmission), and global climate change.
However: The Earth and Environmental Sciences are lagging far behind sister STEM disciplines We need to be able to compete for the best and brightest graduate students to train for next generation careers in nanoscience Need to Inspire and attract students at an early stage (K-12!) and early undergraduate Embed nanoscience throughout the Geoscience curriculum Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, Hydrology….. Demonstrate importance of nanoscience to colleagues, make it easy for them to corporate nanoscience in their own coursework Develop, assess and disseminate good teaching activities Get our good science into textbooks, websites, .... YOU have the knowledge and ability to make this happen!!!!