Department of Public Safety
The Police Department Is operational, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week The Police Department is located at 1200 Oakwood St. Located on the north side of Hoyt Conference Ctr. The Department of Public Safety includes, the administrative offices and health & safety offices. EMU Police Officers are vested with full law enforcement powers and responsibilities, identical to the local police or sheriffs department in your home community.
Police Department EMU Police Officers are certified through the Michigan Commission of Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES). The officers are sworn by the Eastern Michigan Board of Regents pursuant to Public Act 120 and also by the Ypsilanti City Police Department, thereby allowing them to enforce city ordinances as well as state laws EMU Police Officers are empowered to investigate, arrest and take necessary actions to address criminal or other public infractions on EMU campus and surrounding neighborhood communities
POLICE DEPARTMENT THE DEPARTMENT IS COMPOSED OF: Chief of Police Deputy Chief 2 Lieutenants 4 Sergeants 19 Patrol Officers 1 Crime Prevention Officer 2 Detective/Police Offers 10 Bicycle Officers 2 Crime Response Unit Officers (CRU) 5 Sexual Assault Response Team Officers (SART) 2 Area Police Officers 3 Part-time Police Officers 10 Police Dispatchers Community Service Officer Program (CSO)
Emergency Assistance Station Emergency Assistance Stations (EAS) allow DPS to visually assess the surrounding areas if and when there is an emergency or suspicious activity reported.
Crime Prevention The Seminars cover a variety of topics, including the following: Alcohol and Drug Awareness Campus & Personal Safety Building Security Commuter/Travel Safety Stalking Dating & Domestic Violence Date Rape/Sexual Assault R.A.D Rape Aggression Defense Systems for Men & Women
Crime Prevention Property Engraving Operation U.V.I.D. Book Markings Bicycle Registration Fatal Vision-Drunk Driving A.L.I.C.E. – Active Shooter Identity Theft Protection Emergency Text Alert System
SEEUS Student Eyes & Ears for University Safety SEEUS is designed to enhance safety and peace of mind while walking on campus after dark SEEUS: provides additional eyes and ears for the EMU Police Department by observing the campus environment
SEEUS Student Eyes & Ears for University Safety SEEUS walking escort service is available 7 days a week (Sunday-Saturday) during the Fall & Winter semesters SEEUS walking service is available 5pm- 3am SEEUS mobile van service is available 10pm-7am, Sunday-Thursday during the Fall & Winter school semesters only SEEUS Spring Summer hours SEEUS: Last year over 21,000 escorts were provided to persons walking on- campus to various campus destinations including, classrooms, buildings, residence halls and parking lots SEEUS is a on-campus service only, including the College of Business & campus parking lot areas
Police Department LOCK YOUR DOOR!!!!!
Public Safety Tips Campus & personal safety is everyones responsibility Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times It is your personal responsibility to be mindful of choices made with circle of friends and associates Trust your instincts. (If a situation feels wrong, then it is wrong) Be mindful of tailgating: Tailgating is following or walking closely behind a resident into a secured or locked facility without permission and without being identified by staff. These incidents should be reported to resident staff and DPS When an alarm sounds (fire alarm, tornado siren, etc.) take the appropriate action, leave the building or go to the designated shelter area
Public Safety Tips Use the buddy system or SEEUS when walking in the evening hours Always take your EMU ID card and keys with you when leaving your residence hall Do not loan your residence hall keys or EMU ID cards to others Do not allow unknown/unfamiliar visitors into your residence hall rooms Report all suspicious activities, questionable encounters or persons on University property Program or dial the Campus Police Department telephone number from your cellular telephone in the event of an emergency ( ) Dial 911 from campus telephones
Public Safety Tips Notify campus police immediately for all emergencies Review the campus map for campus buildings and parking area locations When in doubt, call anyway, the dispatcher can assist with determining if your request is an emergency Being intoxicated, buzzed or drunk are not excuses for breaking the law or committing crimes Behavior and offenses committed under the influence of intoxicants and/or drugs are prosecuted by law, in the same matter as if you were sober There are no exceptions!!!!!
Department of Public Safety Contact Information Administration Crime Prevention Dispatch/emergency Health & safety