Use Do You Mind, Would You Mind, Polite Requests Role Play Warm-up Activity - Small Talk
Warm-up Activity - Small Talk The first pair chooses a topic such as “this morning” and must talk about it for 2 minutes (advanced), 1 minute (intermediate) or 30 seconds (beginner). The other team is the “timer” and can use their cell-phones to do this.
Warm-up Activity - Small Talk If the team can keep up a conversation about this topic for the full time, they get to mark that topic on the board with either an “X” or “O,” with the goal being three in a row, which equals one point. If they can’t do it, there is no penalty but they don’t get to mark that square on the board.
(10 minutes is good) and the winner is the team with the most rows
A Page 80 Do You Mind...? B Partners conversation – emphasize 'Do you mind/Would you mind' D/E Pairs – asking permission Page 81 Strategy Plus - Agreeing to requests. Introduce Vocabulary/expressions. Page81 3C- Ask your classmates for favours...brainstorm some ideas beforehand Page 83 3- Routines/Vocbulary Notebook - #2 divide into 4/5 teams several letters
Polite Requests Making Requests I was wondering if it would be possible to....... Is there any chance that I could……. Would it be alright if I…….. I believe I’m entitled to/I deserve…… (a pay rise/a day off) Giving Reasons You see the thing is…………… The problem is that………
Handout 1 Making polite requests/Could & Would Handout 2 Ask Permission & Make Requests Would you mind? Roleplay
brainstorm common situations that cause problems and complaints...
Making a telephone booking, phoning customer services, booking a room, a delayed delivery, taking back a faulty product...hiring a car
*Groups of 4 (pairs) *Place the cards on the table (face down) *Roleplay a complaint for each situation on the board...try to reach a satisfactory agreement *Use the expressions on the cards as part of the role play
* Pairs decide who is “complaining” and who is “dealing” with the complaint *Choose a scenario from the board...think about what you’re going to say *Be Imaginative *Use a complete sentence *Swap roles
Accepting Requests Ok, I don’t see why not. Of course. No problem at all Adding Conditions As long as/provided that/on condition that you…….. Rejecting requests I’m afraid that’s just not possible at the moment. That’s out of the question. I’m afraid I have to turn your request down.
A: You are a strict parent A: You are a strict parent. Your son/daughter comes to you with a request about the weekend. B: You are a teenager. Your best friend is having a massive party at his/her house this weekend because his/her parents are away, the boy/girl of your dreams is also going to be there. You need to get your parent’s permission to go but they are very strict and will not give you permission if they know it’s going to be a crazy party.
Brainstorm a scenario of your own With your partner discuss what language you will use… How to ask politely… Give reasons why/why not…add conditions Resolution