The Basis For Real Happiness Lessons From the Beatitudes Number Five
An Introduction To The Beatitudes This series of eight poetic statements begins the single longest recorded sermon of the Savior (Matthew 5:3-10) The term “Beatitude” is a derivative of the Latin word used for “Blessed” which is translated as “Happy” or “Fortunate” (cf. 1 Corinthians 7:40) That is, being “Happier” is what the gospel is about, though in ways different than the way the world sees
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be filled” Matthew 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be filled” While this particular original word is only used twice in the NT, MERCY is central to His message Knowing what mercy is (and is not) is vital It’s equally important to observe how GOD defines and identifies true mercy Finally, having some practical reminders about the subject of mercy is helpful in living more like Christ
Highlights of Mercy It’s important to identify what mercy is NOT It’s not an equivocating attitude toward sin It’s not a “watering down” of sin It’s not a “failure” to recognize sin Mercy is understood when we understand a similar word, “Compassion” - NOTE: compassion results from witnessing the condition related to an event - ie, the results of sin…
Highlights of Mercy Mercy is therefore, a compassionate desire to actively show pity Consider Luke 10 to see “Mercy” perfectly illustrated - vs. 31 – the priest “saw” the man - vs. 32 – the Levite “came and looked” at the man - vss. 33-34 – the Samaritan ACTED Mercy is a willingness to DO something to alleviate the suffering that comes as a result of an event
Biblical Teachings On Mercy Note four observations regarding mercy: 1) Mercy originated with God - Humans didn’t “invent” mercy but rather were created by God with the ability to feel and show compassion - See Romans 5:6-10 to illustrate this 2) Mercy is central to God and our service - Psalm 66:18 - Matthew 6:14-15
Biblical Teachings On Mercy 3) Mercy is the result of a “renewed” understanding of humanity that comes from a spiritual point-of-view - Ephesians 4:2 - Being a Christian doesn’t necessarily mean making less mistakes - It does require, however, that I see the shortcomings of others differently than before 4) A failure to show mercy is evidence of an illegitimate relationship with God - See Mark 11:25-26
Mercy & Me: Resolutions 1 – Regardless of how I feel about another person’s sin, I can not fail to be merciful CAUTION – how did God act toward sinners (us) ? 2 – I need to remember the seriousness of my sin (Beatitude # 2) as a motive to treat others like God 3 – I will be merciful to others even though that will cause me to stand out from the crowd (see Titus 2:14) How we APPLY these can REALLY enhance our ability to teach others!
Real Happiness Comes: When we understand what mercy really is… And work to show that mercy to the world… And thereby realize how fortunate we are!