Welcome to Englewood Elementary School Est. 1958
Our School NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Englewood is a Leader In Me School. We practice the Seven Habits of Happy Kids and Effective Leaders. You will see evidence throughout the school of the habits and their meanings.
Our Principal Our Assistant Principal Dr. Tameka Rice Mr. Jeremy Perkins Mr. Perkins is our awesome assistant principal. He is a great addition to our school. He works super hard to make sure our school is operating smoothly each day. Dr. Rice is our wonderful principal. She loves EES and our students. She works hard to make our school the best it can be!
Our office staff is always smiling and helps our students in many ways Our office staff is always smiling and helps our students in many ways. Mrs. Snyder is the secretary, Mrs. Hubbard is the bookkeeper, and Mrs. Rice is the nurse. Serena Rice Christy Snyder Megan Hubbard Our Office Staff
The Library Students read A.R. books and take tests on those NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Students read A.R. books and take tests on those books. We have several autographs from celebrities who love our school in the library also. Mrs. Thompson, the librarian loves to help children find books and to teach them about researching.
Our Lunchroom Our sweet CNP staff loves to assist our students. The NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Our Lunchroom Our sweet CNP staff loves to assist our students. The lunchroom is painted in a musical theme. Child Nutrition Program Ms. Linda
Our P.E. Staff The Rock Climbing Wall The Playground Mrs. Julie Beckham Mrs. Meredith Crocker P.E. is a time to learn about sportsmanship, teamwork, patience, and much, much more. Our students have the opportunity to run each week to make the TRACK CLUB. Prizes and trips are rewards for those in the club. The Pavilion The track
Our School Counselor Mrs. Gibson, our school counselor helps our students when they have problems. She teaches each class about the Leader In Me, social skills, empathy, taking responsibility, and many other things. Visit her website for more information…http://www.tcss.net/domain/2743 Mrs. Dawne Gibson Mrs. Gibson’s office
The Computer Lab Mrs. Stormie Walker Students visit the computer lab each week to learn about creating presentations, doing research, learning typing skills, and much more. The Computer Lab
Our Custodians Mrs. Tammy and Mrs. Whittany keep our school and classrooms clean. They are always willing to help the faculty and students whenever they may need it. Mrs. Whittany Cooper Mrs. Tammy Miller
T=Taking responsibility E.E.S. P.A.T.S.! We are.... P=Proud to lead A=Always learning T=Taking responsibility S=Striving to inspire Englewood is a wonderful school, and we welcome you to visit us when you are in the area!