Geography Lesson 3: Birth and Death Rates 2
about how different factors are important in LEDCs and MEDCs Learning Intentions We are learning… about the factors that influence birth and death rates in LEDCs and MEDCs about how different factors are important in LEDCs and MEDCs AfL Share these AfL learning intentions with pupils in your introduction to the lesson. Share and negotiate success criteria with pupils. Examples of success criteria Pupils will be able to: investigate the factors that influence birth and death rates in LEDCs and MEDCs; and discuss these factors and decide on their order of importance.
LEDCs and MEDCs The natural populations of LEDCs and most MEDCs are increasing. However: the natural increase is higher for LEDCs both birth and death rates are high for LEDCs, but birth rates are higher than death rates AfL This part of the lesson uses the following strategies: effective questioning; and scaffolding reflection by asking for feedback from pupils; and by encouraging peer and self-assessment. Pupils will have discovered the facts on this slide after Lesson 2. Check that pupils remember the term natural increase from the previous lesson.
LEDCs and MEDCs Birth rate refers to the number of babies born each year per 1000 of the population. Death rate refers to the number of people dying each year per 1000 of the population. AfL This part of the lesson uses the following strategies: effective questioning; and scaffolding reflection by asking for feedback from pupils; and by encouraging peer and self-assessment. Use Padlet (or a similar application for online collaboration if available): to gather and classify class comments on the questions posed in the slide; and to finalise a list of relevant factors influencing birth rates and death rates in LEDCs and MEDCs. Ask pupils how they would prioritise their reasons.
Birth and death rates Work with a partner. Use the information on Resource 3 to complete Worksheet 3. AfL This part of the lesson uses the following strategies: effective questioning; and scaffolding reflection by asking for feedback from pupils; and by encouraging peer and self-assessment. Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities In this activity, pupils have the opportunity to develop the following skills: Managing Information; Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making; Being Creative; an Working with Others. Give pupils copies of Resource 3 and Worksheet 3 and ask them to work in pairs.