This week in Writing we learned: This week in Reading we: “In the Shade” Weekly Newsletter The week of: October 9th Math Writing Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 (To find 6+7, students add 6+6=12, then add 1 to get 13) “Counting On” strategy What Equals means and how to make 2 numbers equal Addition Chart Facts of 10 . Throughout the week, students will be sent home with exit tickets. After each lesson, students complete an exit ticket to show their understanding of that day’s lesson. At the top, they will receive a +,check, or -…+ means the student showed full understanding. “Check” means they understood for the most part, and – means they need extra support for Ms. Shade This week in Writing we learned: Continuing building up our Writing Stamina Revise: How to answer the questions Who What Where When Why and How in our writing. ADDING DETAILS!! (Avoiding “One Day…The End”) Continue writing Small Moments How to read our writing like a storyteller Opinion VS Fact Reading Extra Info This week in Reading we: Read Caps for Sale and Curious George. Made text-to-self connections to enjoy and understand the story. Increased our independent reading stamina. Practiced comprehension and answering questions about the text. . Referring back to the text to support thinking. How to RETELL a story using setting, characters, the problem, solution and events. Picture Day is on Tuesday, October 17th. Get those smiles ready! If you are available to be an extra set of hands on October 17th for our first Art Docent project, please email me directly! On Tuesday, I was able to attend a half day Writers Workshop seminar. It was LOVELY and I learned so much that will benefit your child's learning. email: