每位扶輪社員,每年 EVERY ROTARIAN,EVERY YEAR 建立自己的扶輪傳承 Welcome. (General self introduction) Joining me as a co-presenter today is RRFC ________. I’ll kick off the presentation with an quick overview of EREY -- even our newest RRFCs are familiar with the Every Rotarian, Every Year effort -- then provide you with some quick updates, and together, we’ll spend some time looking at how your job has evolved over the last few years. Our hope is that you walk away with a greater sense of what you’d like to accomplish in your zones this year – adding your own personal signature to EREY, and also to get some very useful ideas from other RRFCs. RRFC TRAINING 2006-07
學習目標 扶輪基金地區領導人職責 面對扶輪 建立成果 管理與衡量 Let’s take a look at our learning objectives: Even though much of the work happens at the club and district level, RRFCs play an important role in guiding and managing the success of The Rotary Foundation and its programs. We also want you to understand what we mean by – Putting a Face on Rotary. For us to a good job, we need to bring the work of the Foundation to life. We want to devote a good deal of time to exploring strategies for achieving the goals – specifically, how to manage and measure them. You know, we use the term “success” freely, but how to we measure it? Do we measure it by the amount of funds raised? By the level of participation of our members? Perhaps something more intangible, as well, such as the respect we garner around the world. Is this something we need to regularly redefine? How do you define success for an organization like ours? This is something I’d like all of you to think about as you make your plans for the coming year.
PROGRESS REPORT $85 million $70 million $55 million It’s always useful to take a step back and reflect on what we have accomplished, before we look toward the future. Since the implementation of Every Rotarian, Every Year – the growth of our Annual Programs fund has been impressive by any standard. As you may know, for several years Annual Programs Fund contributions ranged between $55 million and $65 million. In 2002-03 we slipped from that $65 million all-time high, due to the Polio Eradication effort. Since then, here’s how contributions have grown: ---2002-03 $55 million ---2003-04 $70 million (up 27%) ---2004-05 $85 million (up 20%) From June of 03 to June of 05, contributions to APF have grown approximately 55%. An extra $30 million in two years -- $15 million returning as District Designated Funds for projects like: matching grants, ambassadorial scholars, peace fellows, GSE teams. And another $15 million available to all districts for programs supported by the World Fund. To help highlight the impact of this growth, we’ve tried to capture the changes that are occurring in several districts:
扶輪基金年度財務報告 TRF Year Financial Results 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 捐獻收入Revenues 年度捐獻 $84.70 $70.50 $55.80 永久基金 9.90 9.30 5.2 PolioPlus 18.50 26.20 72.00 指定捐獻 4.80 總捐獻收入 $117.90 $106.00 $133.00 投資收入 $30.10 $53.30 $2.80 $11.10 $20.20 $0.40 $1.50 $0.10 $2.20 總投資收入 $42.70 $73.60 $5.40 總收入 $160.60 $179.60 $138.40
扶輪基金年度財務報告 TRF Year Financial Results 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 計劃獎助金Program Awards 人道計劃 $38.50 $21.10 $23.00 教育計劃 22.90 23.80 23.30 PolioPlus 33.10 29.30 36.90 總獎助金 $94.50 $74.20 $83.20 計劃執行費用 $7.60 $6.10 $5.50 $5.00 $4.10 $3.50 $3.10 $2.30 $1.90 總執行費用 $15.70 $12.50 $10.90 總獎助金 費用 $110.20 $86.70 $94.10
扶輪基金年度捐獻 TOP 10 國家 TOP 10 Giving Countries Rank 2004-2005 Annual Giving Per Rotarian 2005 2004 Country Toatl Contributions 2003-2004 1 USA US$55,191,000 US $86.73 US $ 69.25 2 Japan 17,863,000 106.83 93.81 3 Korea 6,987,000 119.57 112.12 4 Canada 4,945,000 84.20 67.11 5 7 Germany 4,172,000 70.19 59.18 6 Italy 4,010,000 74.37 56.48 10 Taiwan 4,007,000 136.28 102.42 8 UK 3,920,000 49.23 42.78 9 India 3,676,000 29.43 27.40 11 Australia 2,987,000 58.94 50.89
4B 2001-02 年度捐獻每人每年 Annual Giving Per Capita q
4B 2002-03年度捐獻每人每年 Annual Giving Per Capita q
4B 2003-04年度捐獻每人每年 Annual Giving Per Capita q
活耀的地區 1110 RIBI/ (England) – 2050 Eur/Africa (Italy) -- 3250 Asia (India) -- 4250 Sth. Amer (Guatemala) -- 5390 US/Can (Montana) -- 9980-Aus/NZ (New Zealand) What are some of the ways, districts are achieving such tremendous results? Goal Setting – We pleased at the increased effort to get club goal forms submitted. Worldwide, we have a submission rate of 36% - but in some zones, the rate is running 85-90%. At least one zone has a 100% participation rate. Paul Harris Society – The Trustees have endorsed this as an official TRF program. It will be administered by the district, but TRF will assist with the marketing materials and has designed a standard wearable recognition pin. A PH Society member agrees to contribute US$1,000 every year to APF. Large Club Involvement – Many RRFCs and key volunteers are meeting with boards of large clubs to build a better bridge to TRF, and get stronger financial support. Major Gifts – Outright gifts of $10,000 more to bolster the Annual Giving effort in clubs. Recurring Contributions – TRF-DIRECT and quarterly dues. Community Fundraisers
扶輪基金地區領導人職責 遠見 領導力 預期 有責任 成果 Over the last few years, the role of the RRFC has significantly changed. Your job description includes (1) promoting The Rotary Foundation and (2) training and managing zone and district leadership. But, RRFCs have gotten a promotion of sorts – with new responsibilities. Two of your key responsibilities are to ensure club goal setting and to monitor goal achievement. You’re more responsible for the bottom line than ever before, But you also have the support of the Strategic Advisors to assist you. What qualities do we look for in our top leaders? Vision: How does one develop a vision – whether it’s to manage a company or a volunteer organization such as ours. One RRFC shared with me that once he got involved in a project he started to develop his own vision. How many of you have had first-hand experience with a project, a matching grant, a GSE or an NID? Do you think it would be beneficial to get the up-and-coming leaders in your areas actively involved? Leadership: How do we show leadership? What kinds of qualities are associated with leadership? What simple things can we do to show leadership in this role? Do business leaders work alone or with a team? If this photo was a picture of your community, what would you do to mobilize your Zone for the cause? How would you exert your leadership? Setting expectations: How do you set expectations? Can a few of you give me some examples of how you set expectations? Accountability: Let’s envision a need in your own community. Would you hesitate calling your volunteers leaders regularly to check on their progress? Would you be inclined to monitor progress? Results: How do you measure results and how would you show appreciation? (We’ll talk more about results soon.)
面對扶輪 What do we mean when we say Putting a Face on Rotary? Some say it was relatively easy to raise money for the polio eradication effort because we had a face to go with it – whether it was a Luis Fermin, the last child to contract polio in South America, or perhaps it was a relative or a friend who was a victim of polio. To bring the Annual Programs Fund to life – we need to put a face on it. Whether it’s the face of an ambassadorial scholar from your area, a club member leading a GSE team, or a child receiving a nutritious mean through the efforts of Rotarians. What’s driving your best volunteers in your districts? Let’s get some ideas of how you’re putting a face on the Foundation. Program Alumni Visiting GSE Teams and Ambassadorial Scholars and even Peace Fellows Volunteers with first hand matching grant or other Humanitarian Programs experience Local projects funded through DDF
建立成果 目標設定 訓練 溝通 提供資源 表示讚賞 These are among the important jobs you have: 1. Set your own goals for the Zone and help your district leaders set goals. One Strategic Advisor who was coaching a new District Governor put it best:, “Once you set a goal, you can’t walk away and assume it will be met. You have to manage it.” 2. Thoroughly train the Foundation Chairs: teach them how to put a face on the Foundation. The best way to encourage people to give more, is to show them the positive results of what their past contributions have done. 3. Provide regular and useful information about the Foundation. 4. Show them the resources we provide (everything from marketing materials, PowerPoint presentations, the EREY DVD, and some times, guest speakers, including TRF alumni. 5. Stay in constant communication. 6. Praise, Praise, Praise.
管理與衡量 概略預期 進度表 評估成果 讚揚與表彰 Outline expectations: I want every club to have their club goal submitted at PETS, or by this date: My goal is to to have your district have zero non-giving clubs I’m making my EREY gift on 1 July, and I am asking all district leaders to do the same. Track progress: I’m calling because you said your district was planning a major fundraiser in October. How is attendance shaping up? Will you be able to get 10 people from your district at the Foundation seminar? We’re halfway through the year, and I’m concerned that your district is not showing the increase in giving we had hoped for. What can I do to help? Gauge Results: Did you meet your goals? What accomplishments are you proud of in your zone? Praise and recognize: Who delivered as they promised and who contributed to the success? Let them know the true rewards of their work...the people we helped.
保羅.哈理斯協會 Paul Harris Society 在你的地區成立保羅.哈理斯協會 1擬定一個推廣計劃並設定會員人數目標。 2.教育下屆扶輪社社長如何推廣這項計劃。 3.在地區的扶輪基金會研討會介紹這個運動。 4.調查捐獻紀錄以決定哪些合乎候選人資格。 5.親自與合格的候選人聯繫,並以扶輪基金會計劃的有事與之分享。 6.以適當的表彰形式來感謝新會員。
工具與訊息 運用扶輪各項資訊 經常溝通 尋求協助 http://erey.rotary.org I want to use our remaining time to hightlight a few Best Practices of some RRFCs…I think we’d all like to hear some of yours as well…. Trevor Long: EREY has two aspects: contributions and involvement in projects. I stress this call to action and then ask how TRF can help with the projects. The answer is always by providing money. When one converts the overall target to a per capita figure to give it real meaning, the case is won to donate money. Dave Groner: Use Rotary supplies. I never speak to an audience without making sure the brochures on the table and people are being asked to look at them. Tom Thorfinnson: I stay in constant touch. I try to write humorous, but touching emails that includes reminders of the people were helping around the world. I do this 2-3 times a month to keep our mission and our goal in front of the volunteers. I have a large distribution list. Thank you for your time. Please share with us any tips you have… http://erey.rotary.org