Thursday 3/15/18 Notebook Entry: Currently Cape Town residents are rationed to a certain amount of water each day. The city is doing this to preserve the water that is currently in the dams that supply Cape Town with water. What other solutions do you think Cape Town should consider in an effort to not run out of water?
Major efforts to obtain more water According to the Website Defeat day zero March 7, 2018 150 million liters from 3 groundwater aQUIFERS 16 million liters from temporary desalination The City’s three small-scale emergency desalination plants will add approximately 16 million liters of water a day into the system by May 2018. 10 million liters from water re-use; and 4 million liters from the City’s springs.
Groundwater The City of Cape Town drilled its first test borehole into the Cape Flats aquifer in Jan. and started pumping water out in Feb. "This is the first in the history of the City of Cape Town that we're going to drill for water and extract that water that's been there for millions of years," said Mayor Patricia De Lille
Desalination 3 DESALINATION Projects ARE IN THE WORKS 2 ARE SUPPOSED TO BEGIN PRODUCING WATER IN March or April The 3rd one is currently on hold
Reverse osmosis desalination
Reverse osmosis desalination plant in Perth, Australia Reverse osmosis desalination plant in Barcelona, Spain
Solar Powered Desalination
Design challenge Build a device that uses processes of the water cycle to gain freshwater from saltwater
Brainstorm and design Examine the materials you will have available to you Brainstorm ways you can use these materials to gather freshwater from saltwater. Think about how you can model processes of the water cycle. Once you decide on a design everyone must draw a labeled diagram in their notebook. Turn in by end of class: A final labeled diagram with a list of materials. All group members names must be on the final diagram.
Notes about the materials Once you decide on a design everyone must draw a labeled diagram in their notebook. Turn in by end of class: A final labeled diagram with a list of materials. All group members names must be on the final diagram. You only get one of the following: aluminum pie plate and baking dish, clear plastic food container, box of clay The FUNNEL Cannot BE CHANGED IN ANYWAY You can get more of the following: straws, saran wrap, plastic cups (I need to know how many you want and it cannot be a HUGE amount.