Me Gusta Project Wednesday, January 17th Me gusta project info sheet 4 3 2 1 Creativity Student was creative and used appropriate pictures and colors. Student had pictures and colors. Student had some pictures, but no color. Student did not have pictures. There were only sentences. Student did not hand in the project. Timeliness Student handed in project on time. Student handed in project one day late. Student handed in project two days late. Student handed in project three or more days late. Spelling Student did not make spelling errors. Student made 1-3 spelling errors. Student made 4-6 spelling errors. Student made 7 or more spelling errors. Satisfies Task Student used all four statements. Student used three statements. Student used two statements. Student used one statement. Points Grade 16 100 15 95 14 90 13 85 12 80 11-10 75 9-8 70 7-6 65 5-4 60 3-1 55 Me Gusta Project Nombre_______________________________ Nota _________________ Me gusta project info sheet You are to create a visual project, with pictures, on “regular-sized” (8.5 x 11) paper. Your project will represent your likes and dislikes. Choose at least 4 different activities. ____Use all FOUR statements from your blue notes sheet. ( I like…, I really like…, I don’t like…, and I don’t like at all….) ____Draw/ cut out/ find pictures to represent the activities you like and dislike in a creative and interesting way. ____Have your project ready to be turned in on time. ____Double check your spelling. Wednesday, January 17th