Executive Director, Shawn Morford The Network is listening! We are adding services, member benefits, and networking opportunities based on your input. Check out the benefits of membership. Consider hiring the Network to help on projects. See reverse for ideas. What do all Watershed Councils get from the Network? -Statewide voice with funders and decision-makers that no single council can provide. Agencies depend on the Network for feedback from councils. -News, updates, and analysis about events, workshops, policy changes, new opportunities. -Free training webinars and coordinator email list serv. -Job posting site (www.conservationpartnership.org). -Statewide training and networking events (e.g. Gathering, CONNECT conference, Fall Networking Event). -Legislative tracking and reporting. Member benefits -10% discounts for staff and board members for Network events (Gathering and Fall Networking Event) plus discounts on gear through ProMotive (now called Experticity) -10% discount on board and director’s insurance with WSC Insurance -Organizational and transition coaching on demand -Free hosted video conference and webinars for your committees, board, or clientele using GotoMeeting and GotoWebinar (NEW) -Free use of Survey Monkey Pro for your local surveys -Use of our Salem office for meetings of up to 10 people including video conferencing capability --Downloadable templates like sample action plans, contracts, and MOUs For information on membership, go to http://www.oregonwatersheds.org/membership Executive Director, Shawn Morford 1130 Liberty Street SE #3 Salem, OR 97302 shawn@oregonwatersheds.org Tel: 503 362-1246 www.oregonwatersheds.org Need more? Hire your Network! Contracting with the Network helps keep us financially viable and able to keep serving councils. We offer a host of services at competitive non-profit rates! Consider your Network first! See reverse for areas of service!
Can councils hire the Network? Yes! While many services come free with membership, we can also be hired by the hour for specific projects. Because many of our overhead costs are covered, we only need to charge for time and expenses. The Network understands Watershed Councils and we have over 30 years of experience and can provide: -Facilitation services -Technical and organizational coaching -Customized training (e.g. board training, personality and conflict (Myers Briggs)) -Survey design, data collection, analysis, and report writing -Coaching on creating measurable goals for planning -Logic model facilitation- helping design a graphic to how your activities link to long-term results -Program evaluation – describing your impact -Strategic and action planning and coaching -Outreach plan development and implementation -Others? Give us your ideas Executive Director, Shawn Morford, will talk with your council staff/board to discuss your project and give you a brief outline with costs and timelines. Contact us at shawn@oregonwatersheds.org or 503-362-1246. What does the Network of Oregon Watershed Councils do for watershed councils? Network of Oregon Watershed Councils is the statewide organization representing you in Salem. We help councils with capacity, facilitate networking, and provide a unified statewide voice with agencies and funders on behalf of all councils. We are a 501c3 funded by memberships, grants, and contracts.