Training Guide: VCBM Tool Part 1- Branch Productivity Indicates a newly added feature
Select branch from drop down menu Each branch is provided with a weblink and password to login to VCBM tool and Issue tracker The link to access tool: Branch user has to enter their NRC number & branch as per shown in screenshot below Enter NRC Number Select branch from drop down menu Entering phone number is optional. Click on the VCBM tool option to reach the login page for the tool.
Click on the “Sign in” button to view the VCBM home page 2. Once all branch particulars are entered, user is redirected to VCBM Tool login page User has to enter the credentials shared with them via SMS or email, for example: Username : VCBM_User Password : p*********r Then click on “Sign In”; it will redirect to VCBM Tool home page as shown in the subsequent slide. Enter username Enter password Click on the “Sign in” button to view the VCBM home page
3. The Home Page shown includes 2 Metrics: Branch Productivity – TPSH & NPS TPSH is Transaction Per Staff Hour i.e number of transactions done by each staff member per hour NPS is Net Promoter Score which indicates the number of customers giving positive feedback with respect to those who have given negative feedback By clicking this arrow, user can see the details of branch performance such as number of staff members, transactions volumes, etc. Details are shown later in this guide. By clicking this arrow, user can see the NPS details such as trends, etc. Details of this are shown later in guide.
At the end of this section, there are two options: 4. Once the arrow to see the full details is clicked, this is the page that shows up. The page contains the various metrics that define branch productivity as explained below This section shows the following metrics: Total number of walk-in customers New CIF ( NEWLY ADDED FEATURE) Number of transactions performed Total staff ( NEWLY ADDED FEATURE) As we can see, the time frame selected is “last week”. Hence the data is for the past week These two sections inform the user of the following comparisons: The branch productivity versus the target productivity (unit: transactions per staff hour) The branch productivity versus the average productivity of all branches (unit: transactions per staff hour) The teller active to inactive staff ratio This section as the title says, compares selected branch’s productivity to the other branch productivity. For example: Selected branch: 021 Kamaryut. Productivity: 2.9. Transactions: 9039 Compared to: 019 Myitkyinar. Productivity: 2.7. Transactions:9652 At the end of this section, there are two options: See Transaction Volume Data See Planning Simulator
5. When you click on “See Transaction Volume Data” there are three options: Last working day Last week Last month This section is colour-coded and shows the number of transactions along with the legend Depends on hour on hour OR day by day. Depending on the option chosen This section tells the user about the spread of transactions across types: interest accrual, cash deposits, remittances, withdrawals, etc. This section tells the user the spread of the denominations used in cash-in and cash-out processes The branch manager is able to picture the denomination situation in a given branch
6. Click on “See planning simulator”. This allows user to: Forecast expected transaction volumes by day and by hour as well. Min, max and average values Plan staffing according to the targeted productivity level. User able to see min value, max value and the average values of the expected transaction volumes either by day of the week or by hour of the day. Staffing Scheduling Simulator: User selects productivity level. Tool shows the number of staff required if number of transactions is to remain the same. Split in morning and afternoon shifts The productivity levels can be modified. The staffing required changes accordingly as shown in next slide
The productivity level was changed from 15 to 5. The tool automatically re-adjusts the number of staff required across the morning and afternoon shifts. The length of the morning and afternoon shifts can be modified as well Number changes accordingly
Training Guide: VCBM Tool Part 2- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
How do we collect NPS information from customers? Customer fills in a rating from 1-10 as per the experience gained from the bank service In addition to score, the customers can also add comments about their experience at the bank service Customers enter their contact info for a follow-up Customer presses “submit” and “thank you” message appears
Issue tracker. Shows ratio of resolved to pending issues VCBM Tool allows user to track their NPS activity as well. The tracking information can be obtained for the following scenarios: Current month Previous month Last few months The NPS scores calculation is clearly shown in the tool Weekly NPS Trend Issue tracker. Shows ratio of resolved to pending issues Issue details containing: Date lodged Status (Pending/Resolved) Rating procured Contact number Comments
Is there a provision for issue tracking. Yes, there is a provision Is there a provision for issue tracking? Yes, there is a provision. However, it is currently not mobile friendly. Only desktop Each branch is provided with a weblink and password to login to VCBM tool and Issue tracker The link to access tool: Branch user has to enter their NRC number & branch as per shown in screenshot below Enter NRC Number Select branch from drop down menu Entering phone number is optional. Click on the VCBM tool option to reach the login page for the tool. Newly added feature
This button allows the user to lodge a new issue This button allows the user to lodge a new issue. The issue can be preselected from a “function” and “security level” before adding in comments. Severity Level: Low, Medium, High. Screenshots of the same are shown in the subsequent slide. 2. Welcome message to NPS Issue Tracker. User can input the ticket number to navigate to any particular issue The issue tracker provides the ticket number, date lodged and the comments along with it. Hovering over any ticket number has the option to CLICK IT. For more detailed view. Tells the user: Status Rating Priority
Comments entered by the customer regarding the service When you hover over any given ticket number, this is the screen that it is redirected to after clicking on that specific ticket number Comments entered by the customer regarding the service Ticket number and contact information Rating given by customer User is able to do the following: Enter reason for the issue and provide solution Select function under which issue arose. Change status from pending to relevant status Hit “submit”
New Issue Registration: Select function Select security level Add comments Hit “submit”
What is the need for an NPS Issue Tracker Customers fill in the NPS survey at large scale and going through each and every survey without any organisational structure is difficult NPS Issue Tracker allows branch manager to go through the issues according to ticket number, date lodged, resolution status and NPS rating. NPS Issue Tracker also allows for the resolution of an issue with reason. Branch staff should be able to resolve most of the issues. In case the branch staff is unable to resolve, they can redirect the issue to relevant employees according to function (ATM, Cards, Mobile banking, etc.) and specify severity levels NPS Issue Tracker makes life easier when it comes to resolving issues collected from the NPS survey of customers.