Innovations in regulators control tools FG Innovation + ICT Innovation WS Meeting 16-18 September 2013, Geneva Sami Tabbane
Summary Needs and specificities of developed countries networks Innovations for telecommunications regulators
A. Needs and Specificities of Developed Countries Networks WiMAX is an IEEE (Institute of Electronical and Electronic Engineers) standard.
Telecommunication regulators main tasks: Context Telecommunication regulators main tasks: Licenses allocation and related spectrum issues, Interconnection fees regulation, Retail tariffs control, Quality of Service supervision and control.
Main challenges Developing countries operators face: Low ARPU Low revenues Difficult rollout and operation conditions High CAPEX and OPEX Hard competition Decreasing tariffs Lack of skilled staff Low QoS Expensive assistance High O&M costs.
Quality of Service is an issue: Main consequence Quality of Service is an issue: Coverage, Capacity, Quality of communications, Data speeds, ...
Consequences for the regulators Pressure from the subscribers to benefit from better QoS (services, coverage, …), No skills or few compared to big operators, Pressure from the state to generate revenues (licenses, fines, taxes, …), No customers associations to help them, Permanent control of the networks (QoS, traffic, tariffs, …) with simple means.
Tools elaborated for regulators in developed countries: Available solutions Tools elaborated for regulators in developed countries: Expensive, Complex, Require well experienced staff, Include unnecessary features, Few customization available and quickly.
B. Innovations WiMAX is an IEEE (Institute of Electronical and Electronic Engineers) standard.
Assist regulators for: My experience Assist regulators for: Revising their legal texts, Defining processes to better achieve their missions, Training, …
Automated tools: Innovation proposals QoS control, Tariff control, Traffic control, … Condition: Simple and cheap to allow practical usage, easy upgrades and evolution. Vendor must be close to the customer to quickly react and assist.
Development and integration Objectives definition, Proof of concept validation, Tool architecture, … achieved with the customers and developed locally. integration and training is done with the customer.
QoS Tracker Automated QoS KPIs generation tool: OMC raw data based (connection to the operators), Possible operation in SAAS, Few skills required, Simple and customizable.
Tariffs Tracker Tariffs checking and evaluation: Based on an independent platform, Easy to install and customize, Automates the manual checking operations, Voice and SMS services, evolution to integrate data services.
Innovation for practical use: Concluding remarks Innovation for practical use: Understand the real constraints of the customer, Include them in the development approach, Always interact and follow the customer. Long term investment.
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