My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 7 Vocabulary Enlistment- Hardtack- Roving- Encamped- Recalcitrance- Regiment-
My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 7 Vocabulary Almanac- Plundering- Headstrong- Pondering- Grimaced-
Create a Puzzle Go to Create a crossword puzzle, a word search, or double puzzle using the Chapter 7 vocabulary from the novel My Brother Sam is Dead. Trade puzzles with a classmate and solve.
My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 7 Discussion Questions Why do Tim’s mother and father argue about Sam’s letters? Why is Tim excited about going on the trip with his father? Why is it dangerous to drive the cattle to Verplancks Point?
My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 7 Discussion Questions As they travel to Verplancks, what stops the cow-boys from taking their cattle? Why is Tim disappointed with his trip to New York?