WALT – Name our 5 senses and understand how we use our senses
Our 5 senses are...
What would you use to read a book?
We use our eyes to see.
What do you use to listen to the teacher?
We use our ears to listen.
What would you use to smell this beautiful flower?
We use our nose to smell.
What would you use to taste this ice cream?
We use our tongue to taste.
What would you use to feel this teddy?
We use our hands to touch with.
My Senses I can hear the birds sing, The dogs bark, the phone ring, I can hear YOU! I can see the grass grow, The bright stars, the sun shine, I can see YOU! I can smell the dinner cooking, The pretty flowers, the play dough I can smell YOU! I can touch the soft grass, The wet rain, the smooth slide, I can touch YOU! I can taste the crispy apple, The chocolate bar, the cream cake, I can taste fresh bananas,
Our 5 senses are...