A&P of Posture: The Descending Tracts
Muscle Contractile Patterns Dynamic Equilibrium Sensory Organization Motor Coordination Determination of Body Position Choice of Body Movement Compare, Select & Combine Senses Select & Adjust Muscle Contractile Patterns Visual System Vestibular System Somato- Sensation Ankle Muscles Thigh Muscles Trunk Muscles Environmental Interaction Generation of Body Movement
LIMITS OF STABILITY The furthest distance in any direction a person can lean away from midline (vertical) without altering the original base-of-support (by stepping, reaching, or falling)
Vestibulo-Spinal Tracts From the Vestibular nuclei at the level of the pontomedullary junction To the internuncial and lower motor neurons of the postural muscles Medial VST Lateral VST Serves reflexive and automatic balance/posture