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Presentation transcript:


Realizing the importance and benefits of countries developing based on the use of ICT, the international community is committed to create a global information society, the principles of which are described in the "Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society" adopted The next milestone on the way to its creation was the holding of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (2003, Geneva 2005, Tunisia).

Tasks of ICT development Creation and development of information society legislative framework Formation of information medium, ensuring information security Creation of e- government, formation of e- commerce Development of human factor Formation of knowledge market and ICT market Creation of developed communication infrastructure Developing of national ICT industry Formation of unique (worldwide) electronic information space

unambiguity and typicality portfolio areas of informatization and development of infocommunication infrastructures. the differences in promoting to information society are determined by the level of socio-economic and infocommunication countries development and system tasks nature of solving information problem in each country depends on the level of societys willingness to move into the information space, financial and investment opportunities in achievement the objects of modernization infocommunication infrastructures and institutions Analysis of main directions of infocommunication development of the analyzed region pointed following specific conditions and factors. Regional monitoring of infocommunication development (RMICD) is the system that includes a comprehensive statistical monitoring and nature of quantative and qualitive changes in infocommunication progress in economy and in social sphere, state evaluation and analysis development, management production effects on adjustment of national or regional policies on informatization.

Analysis of national ICT development ICT infrastructure and industry ICT service market Effectiveness of ICT usage in society Effectiveness of informatization process regulation Comparative regional analysis of ICD in scale of RCC Establishing of countries rating on particular indicators of ICD Integral rating evaluation Detection of bottlenecks and directions of activities on ICD activization and moving to the unique information space of RCC participants countries Comparative international analysis of RCC participants countries state in the field of electronic development Analysis of composite indexes of readiness for information society Comparing of integral rating ICD evaluations with composite indexes Detection of reasons and factors of RCC participants countries state on readiness for electronic development and developing of measures on activization of movement to the unique world information space Interconnection of monitoring components on national, regional and international levels

Integral indicator of ICT development Accessibility of users to ICT infrastructure Progressiveness of ICT infrastructure Intensiveness of usage of ICT networks and ICTs. Effectiveness of strategy on informatization 1.1 Telephone density 1.2 Density of mobile communications terminals 1.3 Computers density 1.4 Density of Internet users 2.1 Digitalization level of telephone communications 2.2 Digitalization level of television 2.3 Part of users with broadband access to networks 2.4 Degree of territory coverage by NGN networks 3.1 Volume per capita of transmitted information through the Internet network 3.2 Income per capita from ICT services 3.3 Part of GDP, income of companies, created with ICT application 3.4 Part of social institutions and management, applying ICT 4.1 Presence of strategy on IS and level of its realization 4.2 Part of developed documents in legislative framework of ICT 4.3 Coverage of crucial spheres of ICT economy 4.4 Part of legal entities using PCs and Internet in activity Generalizing indicators of infocommunication development Structure and parameters of integral indicator of Infocommunication development of the RCC participant countries

calculation, statistical processing and analysis of private, generalized and integrated ICD indicators for countries of Regional commonwealth; grouping the RCC countries on the socio-economic, educational and demographic indicators, analysis of distribution of set of ICD parameters; Grouping of RCC participants countries on social-economic an d educational demographic indicators, analysis of ICD set of parameters distribution Methodical tool-kit of regional monitoring of ICT development of RCC participants countries is a set of methods and sequence of analytical steps: Ranking and establishing of states ratings in regional scale, evaluation of state, dynamics and potential possibilities of infocommunication development of RCC countries. Comparing of rating evaluations of generalized coefficients and integral indicators ICD with international composite indexes. Determination of reserves and bottlenecks of reached state and factors of strategy effectiveness increasing on informatization, determination of directions and actions on activization of movement to information society including regional particularies

Calculation of PCs density, fixed and mobile phones, Internet users Collection of initial data bringing them to a single dimension and forming the arrays of normalized data by type of indicators Calculation of the relative values of the components of indicators Ranking of the initial data, the definition of the maximum and minimum of the absolute values Data on the total and computer literacy, population density. Average per capita incomes and level of GDP Calculation of access indicators and progressiveness of ICT infrastructure Calculation of intensiveness indicators of ICT and network usage Calculation of effectiveness indicators on informatization Calculation of integral indicator of infocommunication development (ICD) Grouping of RCC participants countries by capita levels GDP and population income Ranging and establishing of RCC participants countries ratings by integral and generalizing indicators ICD Grouping of RCC participants countries by level of literacy and population density Calculation of coefficients of ranking correlation of integral and generalized indicators ICD with the development factor Calculation of statistic characteristics of technical meanings distribution and of ICD indicators Comparing of rating evaluations of integral indicator ICD with international composite indexes Analysis of state, dynamics and potential possibilities of infocommunication development of RCC participants countries. Identification of reserves and bottleneck s of reached situation of RCC participants countries, factors of strategy effectiveness increasing on informatization. Determination of directions and actions on activization of movement to the information society including regional specialities and world trends Evaluation of trends of infocommuncation development of RCC participants countries including potential possibilities.

D URING THE RMICD HAVE BEEN SET GOALS AND SOLVED THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS : Studying of existing indicators and methods of state evaluation and ICT development and justification of monitoring tool-kit improvement necessity identifying the nature of world development, structural changes and regional features of development infocommunications; revealing the essence of monitoring and its role in the control system, the principles and methods of construction for regional market development of information and communication services in the member states of the RCC; Results of RMICD have practical value for government authorities and Communication Administrations of RCC participants states, for international and regional organizations, Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications, national state executive authorities of different levels, investors, manufacturers and suppliers of ICT and society of RCC participants countries. Thus, the proposed mechanism for the internationalization of world economic relations in the field infocommunications, based on RMICD takes into account different levels and the specificity of development of the national economies of the regional population, allows to specify the parameters of the identified potential infocommunication development and to coordinate national policy on informatization at the regional and worldwide levels.